I dont love you...

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Rachel's POV

All week I have been thinking of Brodie, not in that way but I'm just curious...there's so many things I don't understand and some things don't make any sense.

'Mummy! The cookies!'

Realisation hit me...I was spending time with Leo! Mason was dealing with pack business, by that I mean doubling the amount of guards and finalising his role of being alpha.

'Oops silly mummy!'

He giggled and kissed my cheek. Smiling up at me, his such a mamas boy...mason disagrees though.

'I love you mummy'

'I love you more baby'

I kissed his nose then sat him on the bench, walking to the oven I pulled the cookies out, they weren't even burnt!

'Leo wanna do mummy a favour?'

He sat up straight and gave me all his attention, I laughed.

'Can you count how many cookies there are?'

'I don't know mummy...'

He stared at the cookies and scrunched his noes up like he always does when he's thinking.

'You can do it sweetie! Ill help..'

Ten minuets later he had a triumphant smile on his face.

'I did it mummy! I did it...24 cookies!'

*knock knock*

I put Leo on the ground and went to greet the visitor, mason has a key so it's not him...mum and dad have gone to London, Jayden and the girls went to school. Hmmm?

I opened the door to be face to face with Brodie...wait! Brodie!


'Sorry to turn up uninvited but I just thought we could get some coffee?'

'Well I have Leo and we planned to just stay at home and watch cartoons...'

'Mummy I want to go to the park!'

He eagerly tugged on my grey sweatpants, yes I'm wearing sweatpants and a tank top! Don't judge me...

'Are you sure?'


And that's how I ended up at the park sipping coffee with Brodie while watching my 5 year old son play at the park.

'So I guess you know about mason and I being brothers?'

'Yeah...I have a lot of things I need answers to'

'Ask away!'

'Ok, you told me at the cafe you were going to be alpha of your step dads pack...can you please tell me what's up with that?'

He looked worried and unsure...

'I can't tell you everything but you do know that I was supposed to be the alpha of your pack but because I got adopted and kicked out of the pack that won't be happening. The family who adopted me well my dad was alpha and mum was the Luna so I will be alpha of that pack, the pack I'm in now is the worst, baddest, darkest pack in all werewolf history...I was raised in a bad environment. I'm getting better i guess'

'That makes a lot more sense....'

'Good. Now what else?'

'Are we mates of not? Because I don't feel any attraction or connection with you at all...'

'It was a big lie...I just wanted to take away everything mason loved. So he new how I felt when our parents picked him over me'

'Oh....but it felt so real'

'That was the plan...but then I developed feelings for you and I still have those feelings'

'I think I should go....Brodie I know you probably won't listen to me but I love mason, not you I'm sorry'

His face turned instantly. His sweet and kind features turned into hate and fury, he smashed his fist on the small bench making me jump.

'It's always him! He got everything! The beautiful girl perfect son. Loving parents! A fucking childhood! I will NOT stand by and be everyone's second choice anymore! So listen I will give you one more chance...you move to my pack and I become alpha of the starline pack with you by my side! If not then I will do it the hard way....so what's it going to be Rachel?'

Leo stood watching us from a distance, probably hearing Brodie shouting, I was shaking with fear...what would he do? I wasn't going with him but if it meant keeping my family and mason safe then I would do it. But then the mental image of masons disappointed face came to my mind, I made my choice.

'You can rot in hell!'

I picked up Leo and headed for my car.


Masons POV

I got home expecting to kiss Rachel and have Leo attached to my leg. But nothing, they must have gone out...

But then a stench greeted my nose I cringed, then it sunk in, he was here!

That asshole was in my house! Alone with MY princess!

I rang Rachel over a million times but got nothing but message bank! If I were in a comic I would have steam coming out of my ears....

I heard the sound of rattling keys and sniffles..wait! Was she...crying?

'RACHEL! baby is that you'

She burst through the door Leo on her hip tears streaming down her cheeks and Leo just kept wiping her years away and kissing her cheeks making her smile a bit.

'What the hell happend?

'Brodie made mummy cry daddy! Go hurt him!'

My rage was very high...the thought of them together and he hurt her!

I pulled her into my chest after putting Leo one the couch. Kissing her lips as they trembled against mine, I hushed her trying to calm her sobs.

Tell me every detail...'

I sat her on my lap and held her waist in place.

'Well I was asking him questions he was being really kind a totally different person....then I asked if the whole mate thing was really fake and said that I didn't feel any attraction to him then he just changed into this evil dark guy and started threatening me saying if I didn't move to his pack then he would find a way...I told him to rot in hell....'

I smiled at the last couple parts, but I was angry just thinking about her standing beside him as his Luna!

'I'll fix it. Don't worry'

'I won't let you put your life in danger for me and Leo! We need you....you might think dying for us will help but it will only make it worse'

'Princess Im not leaving your side! My life's to perfect for me to leave'

I kissed her nose and then down her neck, and sucked on her mark.

'We will get through this I promise'

Just a month till the wedding then we can relax and start a bigger family.


Ok so I read my story and in some chapters it looks like I was drunk wen I wrote them. They don't make sense so I hope this cleared some stuff up....

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