Im Broken can you fix me?

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My insides were frozen.

Legs paralysed.

I all i could hear were my dads worried shouts which were muffled noises.

I stared at the floor.

Thoughts rushing through my mind at 1000mph

I started to shake as tears slid down my once smooth cheeks.

My legs started to feel weak.

I fell to the ground, scrunched in a ball

'RACHEL! on god...kido speak to me!'

I shook with fear, sadness...

What would I do without him? He's my hero, the peanut butter to my jelly.

I really don't know the answer to that question.

'MASON! it's-'

My dad didnt get to finish, mason was here in no time. He cradled my limp body and buried his head in me neck,

'Baby dont do this again.....tell me what happened'

Hi tears were mixed with mine, causing a agonising ache in my chest,

'M-m-mason d-d-don't cry!'

I spoke through my heavy sobs. He looked at me and kissed my lips. I felt A bit better. I could feel my body again and the sobs were controllable, it shows how much control he has on me.

'Kido. I'm so sorry I-I you just needed to know....'

'What's going to happen dad!'

I didn't want to believe he was going to die! He wont! I can't take this...

I sprinted out the house, my mum looking at me. She new he told me.

'Honey, your father was going to die at somepoint!'

Does she ever care! I turn to her and glare...

*flash back*

I walked down the long hall way at about 2:30am to get a drink, I was about 15 at the time,


I heard a woman's giggle....that's strange,

'Kate he's on a business trip, no one can hear we can be as loud as we want'

I could not believe what I was seeing....there stood my mum and my English teacher....making out! But mum and dad are mates. Doesn't that mean anything to her!?

'Rachel's upstairs, she might see u-'


Robert cursed under his breath and pulled away....good choice

'Honey it's not what I-'

'What else can it look like mum? Were you just massaging his fucking lips!?'


'so you can cheat on dad behind his back but I can't say a little swear word?'

'Rachel please don't tell your father! I'll end it! Good bye Robert'

'I will NOT be apart of this! You have to tell dad....your mates...'

She looked down and that was enough to show me that she didn't care.

And since that day I've always hated my mum. But I've always hidden it so dad doesn't get hurt.

*flashback finished*

'You have no right speaking to me! You can get hit by a bus for all I care!'


I took my clothes off put them in the garage and went for a run, today's been to much for me...

I enjoyed the wind through my white glossy fur. The birds chirps and the crunch of foliage in the air. The smell of the river bank, it was really relaxing.

I reached the side of the river bank and curled into a fluffy white ball of fur, purring in contempt.


Masons POV

'Where is she kate!?'

Rachel's dad who's name is Ben, im getting the hang of this boyfrirnd thing! bed screeched worriedly rushing around looking for Rachel, so was I but I new she was just laying by the river thinking she wanted alone time but I still wanted to go after her to know she ok.

'Sh-she went f-for a r-run'

The river bank...

'I know where she is....'

---10 minuets later---

I stretched out behind the white ball of fur and nudged her side startling her but she curled into my black wolves chest anyway. I purred at the sign of affection, resting my large paw around her hip, her neck was under my chin,

'Your dad told me what need to stay strong for him it will make him feel better'

'I just needed to clear my head, so much has happened lately I just couldn't keep it down...'

'You can talk to me beautiful. It will make you feel better if you vent it to someone...'

'Well there's the Brodie thing, I just don't know when he's going to take action or if he ever does...and the new power..I don't want to hurt the humans, and now my dad...we've been close forever and losing him, I don't know what I'm going to do. Your the only good thing that's happened to me in a long time and I don't want you to run away because of my screwed up life'

'Ok the Brodie thing YOU don't need to do anything, dads got it covered, your dad well like I said before you've got to be strong so he can stay strong. The power is a good thing princess, and don't ever think I'm going to leave you EVER your mine and I'm yours...'

'Forever and always'

She whispered.

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