Bacon pinches and kisses

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My stomach has been really heavy for the past two days, no I'm not pregnant. But I am getting married to mason in two freaking days! That's why! I have been doubting myself since. What if I'm not good enough? I might fall! What if Leo starts crying?


I ran to his small bed and sighed. He was still there. Another thing that's been bothering me...Brodie, since our last encounter I'm just waiting to see what he does. It didn't sound like a big joke this time, mason says I should just let it go. I probably should but what if he takes Leo or hurts one of my friends? I just don't know and it's driving me crazy!

'Mummy can we have bacon again?'

His gleaming green eyes stared up at me as his cheeky grin showed. He has grown heaps in the past two months, he was the size of a 6 year old now. His hair looks more black now not the light brown it was.

'Sure baby come on...'

His hand grasped mine and tugged me to the kitchen. He always watches me cook so mason made him some steps up the side of the bench, I thought it was really creative. Until he almost fell a few days ago. So I'm hesitant to let him use it.

'Quick mummy before daddy wakes up'

He clapped excitedly bouncing up and down. I started on the bacon then the eggs. And a tomato for me, I was in a daze thinking about Brodie when to warm arms caged me into a rock hard chest.

'Why are you thinking about that asshole so much princess?'

'You looked through my thoughts?'

'Well you didn't have your block up and it's a free country, but answer my question'

He kissed down my neck and along my shoulder. I shivered when his thumbs massaged my hips. Leaning my head back I let a soft gasp leave my mouth as he nipped at the spot behind my ear. His chest rumbled and he pressed his nose to my her breathing in and sighing.

'I love you'

'Love you to. I just can't stop wondering what he's going to go next'

'No need to worry princess'

He smiled and walked to Leo, pinching his nose and scrunching his fist up I knew what he was doing. Leo giggled and tried opening his dads huge hand, but failed.

'I got your noes!'

'No! Daddy! I want it back!'

His bottom lip started to tremble as he jumped off the counter and hiding his head between my legs. I stroked his hair and he looked up at me tears in his big eyes. An idea popped in to my head. I bent down and whispered into his small ear. He listened attentively and nodded then moved back with a little smirk of his pink lips, all sign of his tears gone.

Mason looked at me and back at Leo the he looked a bit worried for his safety, he should be.

Leo charged at him and pinched the back of his thigh, mason fell to his knees and cried out in agony, Leo then did the same as mason and pinched masons noes and pretended to eat it, I couldn't help but let out a big laugh, while clutching at my stomach.

A few weeks ago mason and I were wrestling on the couch and he was tickling me to death. I know we're just SOOO mature, then I pinched the back of his thigh and he just collapsed. And I learnt it was his weak spot so every time I'm pissed at him I just do that, it really hurts believe me I tried it on myself.

'Would you two come and eat already!'

Their heads shot up and then seconds later they started eating.


Guys! I have started writing another book and I really like it I just randomly though of a story line and its only got two pages so far but its going to be a big one! So ill let ya know when that ones up and you should read it!!!

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