Lime and Roses

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"RACHIE! Oh honey I've missed you and that pretty head of yours, come in dinner is just about ready," I inhaled the fresh scent of Roses and lime as Jayden's mum, Eleanor hugged the living daylights out of me.

"It's so lovely to see you Norie, have you been using that Perfume I got you last Christmas?" She stroked my hair and nodded

The house was themed with wood, wood floors and wooden furniture with stone walls, It resembled some sort of cabin but much more sophisticated, it was decorated professionally because they had the money to do so, but it had the perfect balance of cozy and warm with a hint of modern design here and there.

Jayden's father Jeremy stepped out of the kitchen with a tea towel slung over his shoulder, his hairline was reseeding and his hands looked rough from a lifetime of hardcore labor for our packs wellbeing, Jeremy didn't have a position with the leaders of our pack instead he was a protector, he built walls and made our pack ground safe for each and everyone of our families

"How are you sweetheart? You dad hasn't come around lately and I'm beginning to wonder if he's found a new beer buddy?" I engulfed him in a hug, standing on my toes to reach his shoulder,

"Dads barely had time for himself lately," I placed the jam and cream sponge cake down on the bench, reaching for a glass from the top shelf to retrieve myself a glass of water.

"How's everything going up there with your folks? I hope they're not working themselves too hard.." both Jeremy and Eleanor took a seat at the bench, Jayden perched himself onto a barstool just beside his younger brother Alex,

"You know dad, the phrase 'take a break doesn't register in his mind, he did ask for me to pass on his kind regards and so did mum," my parents did work hard, and that was no secret throughout the community, I'd inherited a lot of their characteristics when it comes to work, the whole 'never give up' thing was always very prominent in my upbringing.

"I told you they missed you, I did too" Jayden wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed the side of my temple, this was my second home and I would spend days at a time here just sitting with them in the kitchen catching up or simply playing UNO with a bowl of pretzels on the side.

I'd always dreamed of me having my own family one dad just like this one, perhaps Mason would be apart of that,

"You two were always inseparable when you were kids, it's so nice to see that nothing has changed,"

I pinched his cheek and hugged him back,

"Now that's not true Norie, one thing changed, Jay's ability to win a game of UNO..." his fingers prodded at my sides as I erupted with laughter,

"Your tickle spots certainly haven't changed Rach," I shoved at his chest and pleaded for him to let me go before I wet myself.

Eleanor pinched Jayden's ear and a string of cuss words passed his lips, causing his dad to send him a firm look, a smug smile made its way into my lips, I wasn't lying when I said we were basically siblings, anyone could see our bond just by looking at us.


"Dinner was amazing Eleanor, you've outdone yourself once again.." I leaned back and placed a hand on my protruding belly, the taste of basil and sweet Roma tomatoes still lingered on the tip of my tongue.

"Thank you sweetie, It's always a pleasure feeding you" she sent me a warm smile and continued to collect our plates, I offered to help but she simply refused and insisted that I sit and chat with the others.

"How's school treating you this year?" Alex asked from beside me, Alex was 15 and was into all things digital, he was this generations stereotypical boy, and he despised everything that involved outdoors, it's ironic that he's soon going to transition into a werewolf,

"It's good, although the early mornings are not" he smiled at me and laughed quietly, Alex was a sweet kid, very introverted but he always seemed to be fond of me, I suppose he did grow up with me around all the time so I was sort of a sister figure for him too,

"Have you got any boys in your line of sight at the moment?" Jeremy rested his chin on his palm, waiting for a response, both dad and Jeremy shared the same passion to keep me safe, and boys were definitely high on their suspect list.

"His name is Mason, and no he hasn't met my parent, heck I don't even know him that well yet.."

I stared back at everyone's shocked eyes, everyone except Jayden's, he just leaned back and smiled smugly while tapping me on the shoulder.

"Mason Borne? As in the soon to be alpha? The womaniser that got into a fight the day he stepped back onto our perimeter? That Mason Borne?" Jeremy stared me down with his arms folded,

"Yes...? I take it you don't approve of this new piece of information?" I chewed on my bottom lip, damn, I was a wreck and this wasn't even my biological father. God help me.

"I most certainly do not young lady, your parents raised you better than that, chasing after boys like that is not in your nature, he's no good for you and you can definitely do better" he leaned forward and took my hand in his own,

"You mean just as much to me as my own children do, and at the end of the day I really can't tell you who to be hanging around with but I can strongly suggest to you that it's a bad idea.." his eyes softened and I felt Jayden rest his hand on my shoulder,

"We all care Rach," I looked down at my lap and smiled to myself, I knew they were probably right, but that didn't stop my wolf from howling in disproval, my heart rate picked up its pace just at the thought of Mason being with someone else, it was a strange sensation. My head was strong with struck morals and I knew Mason was not an ideal mate for what I wanted in life, as I said before I wanted a family with strong bonds, surely an Alpha wouldn't be capable of supporting my children with love and affection. Sure he would keep us safe and he would give us wealth, but that's what I had while growing up, and all that created was a void in my heart..

"He's my mate"

Gasps filled the room, this time including Jayden.

"I thought you were just hanging around with him, you never mentioned the word mate yesterday during the introduction" Jayden's voice was strained and I knew I had hurt him, secrets were not something we were familiar with.

"I didn't want you to flip out Jay, I'm sorry.. I just-"

"You just what? Couldn't trust that I would support you? Did you think that I would beat him to a pulp? Because hey that's still an option if he does hurt you in anyway shape or form" his eyes were filled with anger and I could emcee his wolf coming through in his personality, he was becoming much more difficult to control and his eyes were dark in colour.

"Jay please..-"

He stood up from the table and stormed down the hall, way to go Rachel, good job.


•Picture above is Jeremy and Eleanor•

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