06 | The Waterbending Scroll

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Arlington sits in the shadows on the deck and watches Prince Zuko train. She's hoping to learn his fighting style by watching. She's a visual learner. Zuko is firing blast after blast of fire at his sparring opponent. Suddenly the ship tilts sideways, knocking both combatants off balance and sending Arlington, sliding on her butt, into the safety rail.

"Someone's changing our course!"
"Really?! You don't say!" Zuko glares at Arlington for making a sassy remark.

Ever since Crescent Island, Zuko hasn't been threatening to kill Arlington or throw her overboard. The Prince has come to terms that Arlington is going to be here and she isn't an enemy.

Zuko runs into the control room.
"What's the meaning of this mutiny? No one told you to change course!" He roars at the helmsman.

Iroh and some other crewman invite Arlington to play Pai Sho. She takes a seat next to General Iroh and waits her turn.

"Actually, someone did. I assure you it is a matter of utmost importance, Prince Zuko."
"Is it something to do with the Avatar?" Zuko eagerly asks.
"Even more urgent. It seems... I've lost my lotus tile." Iroh moves a piece forward on the Pai Sho board.
"Lotus tile?" Zuko's voice raises a little.

"For my Pai Sho game. Most people think the lotus tile insignificant, but it is essential for the unusual strategy that I employ." Iroh explains.
"Ooooo. Can you teach it to me?" Asks Arlington. Iroh smiles and nods a 'yes'.

"You've changed our course for a stupid lotus tile?" The Prince yells.
"See, you, like most people, underestimate its value. Just give me ten minutes to check the merchants at this port of call. Hopefully they'll have the lotus tile in stock and I can get on with my life!" Zuko breathes fire and storms out of the room.

Iroh smiles widely. "I'm lucky to have such an understanding nephew."
Arlington laughs loudly.
"We'll be stopping at a market soon."
"Great! I can take Peanut for a walk." Arlington smiles.

↠ ↠ ↠ ↠ ↠ ↠ ↠

Once the ship docked, Zuko, Iroh, and Arlington walked into the market. Peanut is bouncing along next to Arlington. Ever since they docked, Zuko has been in a bad mood. Then again, when is he not? Zuko's arms are folded across his chest and he wears an unhappy face.

"Lighten up, Prince Zuko. Who knows, maybe we can find some information about the Avatar's travels." Arlington nudges his arm with her elbow.

"I've checked all the shops on this pier. Not a lotus tile in the entire marketplace." Iroh exclaims.
"It's good to know this trip was a complete waste of time for everyone!" Zuko shouts at him.
"Quite the contrary. I always say the only thing better than finding something you were looking for, is finding something you weren't looking for at a great bargain!" Iroh chuckles.

A parade of Fire Nation soldiers walks by carrying armloads of merchandise that Iroh has just bought. One of them is some kinds of brass musical instrument.

"You bought a tsungi horn?" Zuko looks like he's had enough.
"For music night on the ship! Now, if we only had some woodwinds..." The General strokes his beard.

"I know how to play flute! And guitar!" Arlington gets excited at the thought of playing flute again. She absolutely loves making music.
"Alright! We'll look for one!" Iroh joins in on the excitement. Zuko face palms, creating a loud smack.

They begin walking down the dock, and Iroh stops in front of a pirate ship.
"This place looks promising!" He smiles widely. Arlington gets an uneasy feeling.
"This place looks sketchy." She whispers to Zuko. He rolls his eyes.
"Stop being a big baby, c'mon." He pulls Arlington into the ship by her wrist.

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