"What is this game called again?" Arlington wobbles as she tries to stand on the wooden posts that make up a playing field.
"Air ball!" Aang cheers.The whole Gaang plus a few kids who live at the Northern Air Temple sit on the sidelines, eagerly waiting for the game to start.
"I don't know if I want to play this anymore. I kinda changed my mind." Arlington frowns as she tries to balance herself on the post.
"It'll be fun!" Aang assures."You got this, Sweetie!" Katara cheers. Sokka pretends to gag.
"Show us what you got, Twinkle Toes!" Toph yells."Is no one on my side?!" Arlington looks at her friends.
"Go Arlington!" Zuko is the only one to cheer her on besides Peanut, who barks.
"Thanks for the support guys." Arlington frowns at the rest of the Gaang.The Avatar kicks a little brown ball into the sky. He sends a waves of air after it. The ball bounces back and forth between the wooden posts.
Arlington prepares herself as the ball nears her side of the playing field. She creates a small tornado from her hand that carries the ball back to Aang's side.
Aang lands a powerful air kick on the ball. It swiftly returns to Arlington's side of the map so fast that she doesn't have enough time to react.
The ball hits Arlington in the stomach and sends her through the goal post. She groans as she hits the ground. Arlington airbends herself back up onto a wooden post and starts the next match.
She kicks the ball high into the sky and kicks a gust of wind at it. The ball sails just above the tallest wood post as it travels to the other side. Before the ball gets in Aang's airbending reach, Arlington slams her foot down on the post she's standing on, creating a powerful shockwave of air.
Aang launches himself up to avoid the blast, but in doing so, he has let Arlington score.
"Yeah Arlington!! Airbending slice!!" Sokka yells while making a slicing motion with his arm.
"But that wasn't a slice." Suki questions.
"Shh. I'm trying to watch the game." Sokka holds a finger up to Suki's lips. The Kyoshi Warrior just sighs at her eccentric boyfriend.Aang kicks the ball and backs it with some air. The ball is passed between the two airbenders. No one gains an advantage on the other. This goes on for nearly twenty minutes.
"Let's go Twinkle Toes!" Toph shouts.
"C'mon Sweetie!" Katara cheers.
"GO ARLINGTON!!" Sokka yells, making his voice crack a little.
"Yeah Arlington!" Zuko claps when Arlington finally gains on Aang.
"Show the Avatar how it's done Arlington!" Teo cheers.
Peanut barks as a way to cheer on his best friend.Arlington does another swift kick and send the ball flying through Aang's goal.
"Arlington, two! Aang, one!" Arlington cheers."She really showed you, Twinkle Toes!" Toph loudly laughs.
"Yeah, but the game isn't over yet." Aang says.The two airbenders play air ball for thirty more minutes and Aang completely dominates Arlington. He quickly doubles, then triples his score compared to Arlington's. The game ends with Aang having thirty-six points and Arlington having twelve.
They move on to the next training game.
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Under the Cherry Blossom ↠ Zuko x OC ✔️
FanficArlington and her pet dog, Peanut, miraculously end up in the World of Avatar in search for her mother. Through her journey she meets a certain Banished Prince of the Fire Nation. She tags along with Zuko and Iroh in hopes of finding her mom, but...