03 | Nightmares and Daydreams

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Everything is like a dream to Prince Zuko. Everything seems perfect, but only on the outside. Within, Zuko's heart aches for Arlington. Her smile. Her uplifting personality. Her humor. Her beauty. Everyday, Zuko regrets what he did to her.

Servants crowd Zuko; ready to meet his every demand.

"Fresh fruit, Prince Zuko?"
"May I wash your feet, sir?"
"Head massage?"
"Hot towel?"

Zuko denies all the offers except the hot towel one. He picks one up from the silver tray, rubs his face, and places the towel back. The servants bow and smile.

Prince Zuko walks through the gate opening of the Fire Nation Royal Palace. He is greeted by a large crowd of admirers and giggling females. One girl fangirls and has to be restrained by the guards.

A group of servants approach Zuko from behind. They carry an elaborate palanquin.
"Prince Zuko, is something wrong? You didn't take the palanquin." One of the servants ask.
"I'm just going to Mai's house, it's not far." The Prince replies.
"It's not a Prince's place to walk anywhere, sir." Zuko sighs and climbs into the palanquin.

The servants carry Zuko not even ten feet before arriving at Mai's house. Zuko smiles at how good life is at the moment.

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Pain is all Arlington feels nowadays. Every hour of her life is consumed by agony of her wounds. Everyday is a nightmare. The torture has become more brutal and less civilized. Arlington is beaten everyday and not because she doesn't truthfully answer the questions being asked, but because the Fire Lord wants her to suffer. He wants her dead.

Arlington fades in and out of consciousness. Her head lolls to the left and her body is slumped against a wall. The tear wounds on her stomach have scabbed over, but Arlington has plenty more injuries to worry about.

Blood pools around her legs. A spear has sliced up both Arlington's calves and thighs. The bandages she placed to stop the bleeding are soaked. Alongside with the soaking bandages, her shirt is also caked in blood. Arlington was brutally whipped to the point where she fainted.

Thankfully, Ming is able to sneak in to help clean Arlington's injuries. She always updates Arlington on what's happening in the world at the moment and brings extra food for her; since Arlington is only given one bread roll a day.

"General Iroh wanted me to tell you to keep fighting." Ming sets a metal tray of rice and chicken on the ground in front of Arlington. Arlington nods a 'thank you' and digs into her meal. 'I'll keep fighting. For Uncle and Peanut.'

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Zuko continues his perfect dream-like day by sitting on an ornate couch with Mai. They cuddle close together. However, the Prince much rather spend his day with Arlington and Uncle. 'Spirits. I messed up big time with them.' Images of Arlington and Uncle Iroh in prison flash through his mind. Sadness and regret linger into Zuko's thoughts, but he quickly brushes them off.

"Tell me, if you can have anything you wanted right now, what would it be?" Zuko lovingly smiles at his girlfriend.
"Hmm. A big fancy fruit tart, with rose petals on top." Mai's voice is dry and bland compared to Arlington's melodic sounding one. Prince Zuko tries not to let his sadness show.
"You know, being a prince and all, I might just be able to make that happen."
Mai giggles. "That would be impressive."

The servants from earlier this morning wait for Zuko's request.
"Do you think you can find a fresh fruit tart for the lady, with rose petals on top?" Zuko asks.
"Excellent choice, sir." The two servants respectfully bow and exit the room.

"I guess there are some perks that come with being royalty. Though, there is annoying stuff too, like that all-day war meeting coming up." Mai gets comfortable on the couch.

"War meeting? What are you talking about?" Zuko sits straight up, knocking Mai from her comfortable position.
"Azula mentioned something, I assumed you were going too." She frowns.
"I guess I wasn't invited." Prince Zuko gets up from the couch and leaves the room. Mai quickly follows him.

Zuko is looking out an open window. Mai gives him a hug from behind.
"Zuko, it's just a dumb meeting. Who cares?" She says.
"I don't." The Prince huffs.
"Well good. You shouldn't. Why would you even want to go? Just think about how things went to the last war meeting you went to." Mai brining up Zuko's banishment irritates him.
"I know." He sighs.

"You know what will make you feel better? Ordering some servants around! I might be hungry for a whole tray of fruit tarts! And maybe a little palanquin ride around town... Double time!" Mai suggests. Zuko doesn't respond and leaves her grasp. He hurries off to the Royal Garden, a place where he can think.

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Arlington has to fight everyday to stay alive. She can almost feel her body shutting down on her with all the blood loss and the lack of food. Her body has been cut, burned, starved, and touched, but Arlington keeps fighting.

Some male prison guards have taken notice towards Arlington. Even in her weaken state, Arlington gives the guards hell. Whenever they flirt or try something physical, she lashes out at them with powerful gusts of air. In most cases, after one blow to the face or where the sun don't shine, the guard will leave her alone. However, some guards are persistence, but Arlington manages just the same.

Survival is the only thing on Arlington's mind. Just a few days ago, she was ready to give up and die, but now she's fighting. It's like her body is ready to die, but Arlington's soul and mind aren't; they want to live to see another day.

The cell door opens. Meaning two things: Arlington is  going to be tortured some more or Ming has brought some food. Arlington's heart races as she waits to see who enters.

"Good morning, Arlington. I put extra butter on your bread to make it taste better." Ming's voice brings sheer joy to Arlington.
"Thank you so much, Ming." Arlington savors the sweet yet salty taste of the bread. She hasn't eaten in almost three days; her food rations were cut. It's like the Fire Lord wants Arlington to starve to death. She can feel her bones protruding and it disgusts her. If Arlington were to see herself now, she would see a skeleton.

"Any new wounds that need fixing?" Ming takes out a first-aid kit. 
"Yeah, I took a knife to the stomach yesterday." Just when Arlington's torso was healed, it was slashed open again.
"I'm so sorry this is happening to you. No one deserves this." Ming takes out clean bandages and wraps them around Arlington's waist.

Arlington remains silent. Time in prison has really changed her. She's not as optimistic as she used to be. Arlington is like a rock now; cold and emotionless. Prison has really dehumanized her. However, Arlington makes a special effort to show her gratitude for Ming. The female prison guard has really kept her alive.

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Prince Zuko leaves the war room. With everything that has happened so far, Zuko finally realizes that he made the wrong choice by joining Azula. Men and women gather in the hall leading to the room to discuss Fire Nation politics. Mai spots Zuko and quickly follows him.

"So, how did it go?" She asks.
"When I got to the meeting, everyone welcomed me. My father had saved me a seat. He wanted me next to him. I was literally at his right hand." Mai and Zuko walk further away from the war room.

"Zuko, that's wonderful. You must be happy?" Mai leans in to kiss her boyfriend. Zuko refuses.
"During the meeting, I was the perfect prince. The son my father wanted. But I wasn't me." Zuko sighs and walks away.

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