09 | Lake Laogai

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As usual, Arlington, Zuko, and Uncle Iroh start their day in the tea shop. It's busier than normal. Arlington almost has to run back and forth, serving tea. A wealthy man and his bodyguards approach Iroh.

"So you're the genius behind this incredible brew. The whole city is buzzing about you. I hope Pao pays you well." He sips from his cup, showing off his jeweled rings. 
"Good tea is its own reward." Iroh smiles.
"But it doesn't have to be the only reward. How would you like to have your own tea shop?" The man says. Arlington leans against a wall. She listens intently.
"My own tea shop? This is a dream come true." Uncle seriously has the biggest smile on his face, it makes Arlington happy. Pao notices the offer and doesn't hesitate to interrupt the conversation.

"What's going on here? Are you trying to poach my tea maker?" He asks.
"Sorry Pao, that's business for you, am I right?" The rich man smiles.
"Mushie, if you stay, I will make you Assistant Manager. Wait, Senior Assistant manager." Pao eagerly says. Arlington scoffs.
"Dude that's nothing compared to owning a tea shop."
"I'll provide you with a new apartment in the Upper Ring. The Tea shop is yours to do whatever you want. Complete creative freedom." The wealthy man says. Zuko has taken interest in the conversation and looks up from cleaning tables.
"I even get to name the shop?" Uncle sounds like he's in a dream.
"Of course!"
"Uh, Senior Executive Assistant Manager?" Pao gulps.

Iroh sets the teapot into the hands of Pao, who grimaces in pain. Pao walks off as Iroh and the man exchange respectful bows. Zuko moves to clean another table, he stops as his uncle talks to him.
"Did you hear? This man wants to give us our own tea shop in the upper ring of the city." Iroh exclaims to Zuko and Arlington. 'That's legit!' Arlington smiles.
"That's right. Your lives are about to change for the better." The rich man says.
"I'll try to contain my joy." Zuko growls, he then steps outside the shop. Arlington gives Iroh a 'I'll go talk to him and see what's up' type of glance.

Arlington walks out the front entrance of the shop and sees Zuko reading a flier. A few more slips of paper fall from the sky. Arlington catches one and immediately recognizes the giant flying bison on it. 'Appa.' Zuko takes off running and Arlington quickly follows behind him. He climbs to the roof of the shop with ease to see where the fliers are falling from. On the other hand, Arlington is struggling to lift herself on to the roof. Her feet scrape the side of the wall as she struggles. With one final push, she heaves herself on to the roof. Arlington's breathing is short and labored. 'I'm more out of shape than I thought.' Arlington thinks. Zuko looks down at the slip of paper then looks back up.  

"Zuko," Arlington softly starts out. The Prince stiffens, his back is toward her.
"What?" He hisses. A sigh escapes Arlington's lips.
"I know you don't want to talk to me, but-" Zuko cuts her off.
"The Avatar is here. And he's lost his bison." Arlington looks down and chooses her words carefully.
"And you're going to use that to your advantage to capture the Avatar, aren't you?" Arlington asks.
"I have to. It's my destiny." Zuko remains facing away from her.

"And how do you know that? Huh?" Arlington raises her voice. Her words begin to pick up speed. "Knowing your destiny is like knowing the future. It's impossible! And you know why? Because life's unpredictable! It's constantly changing; new factors are being thrown in and old ones are being taken out, there's no certainty to how your life is going to turn out!" This finally gets Zuko to face her.
"Then what am I supposed to do?!" He yells at Arlington.
"Do what you think is right." Arlington insists. Zuko turns his back toward Arlington.
"I'm on your side, Prince Zuko. I'll help you no matter how crazy things get." Arlington reminds him.
"I know." Zuko's voice is soft and almost sounds choked, like he's about to cry. The Prince is unbelievably thankful to have Arlington on his side.
"Then why do you push me away?" Arlington asks. Zuko sighs and descends from the roof. 'Because I like you more than I should.'

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