08 | The Tales of Ba Sing Se

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The Tale of Zuko

It's another, casual day in Pao's Tea Shop. Arlington walks back and forth, serving tea. Once she catches a break, she sits down with Iroh and Zuko.

"We have a problem. One of the customers is on to us. Don't look now, but there is a girl over there at the corner table. She knows we're Fire Nation."
Out of habit, both Arlington and Iroh look. Zuko facepalms.
"Didn't I say don't look!"
"Well, if you say not to do something, it's gonna make us want to do it more." Arlington counters.
"You're right Zuko. I've seen that girl in here quite a lot. Seems to me she has quite a little crush on you." The smile on Uncle Iroh's face is huge. Arlington snickers.
"What?!" Zuko's shocked eyes dart back and forth between Arlington and Iroh.

"Thank you for the tea." The girl Zuko was talking about is behind them now. Arlington wipes down the counter and Iroh begins to stack a few boxes.
"What's your name?" She asks.
"My name's Lee. My Uncle, family friend, and I just moved here."
"Hi Lee, my name is Jin. Thank you and, well, I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime?" Arlington freezes for a moment. A flash of jealousy burns through her.
"He'd love to!" Iroh claps his hands together.
'Oh my gosh, Iroh. Why?!' Arlington pinches the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger.
"Great! I will meet you in front of the shop at sundown." Jin says and walks away, leaving Zuko standing bewildered as his uncle throws an arm around his shoulders with a large, goofy grin on his face again. Arlington stands next to them, frowning.

"Now, we just need to get Arlington on a date with a nice boy!" Uncle Iroh exclaims. Zuko frowns and Arlington repeatedly bangs her head on the table.
"Noooooo." She groans.
"I can't believe you just pulled me into a date, Uncle. I don't want to!" Zuko throws his arms in the air like a child.

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Uncle Iroh has just finished styling Zuko's hair. The Banished Prince is dressed in a nice green Earth Kingdom outfit. Arlington would be lying if she said Zuko didn't look handsome, but she does joke about his neat hair. Arlington walks with Zuko to Pao's Tea Shop.

"I can't believe Uncle made me go through with this." Zuko pouts. 'I can't stand that I'm going on a date. Spirits! Arlington has to deal with it too! She likes me and I like her, yet I'm going on a date with another girl.'
"He only did it because he wants you to have a somewhat normal teenage life here. Meaning, going on dates."
Zuko doesn't say anything. They continue walking down the dusty road, their hands brushing each other ever now and then. 'I can't believe myself right now. I'm fawning over Zuko. The royal pain in the butt who threatened my life when we first met. Ugh, but he looks so adorable in a dorky way with his hair parted.'

"Let's face it, we're not friends. Obviously, we care for each other more than friends do. What would you say we are?" Arlington finally gets out the question that has been haunting her since Jet asked on the way to Ba Sing Se.
Zuko stops walking and faces her. He's biting the inside of his cheek.
"Umm... I guess boyfriend and girlfriend." Zuko blushes bright red. He's looking down, fiddling with his thumbs. Arlington stands there shocked, she wasn't expecting Zuko to drop the boyfriend and girlfriend tags.
"Um.. ok, but what about Jin? She's expecting you go on a date with her tonight." Arlington questions.
"One date with her, but then all the others will be with you." Zuko smirks, clearly proud of how smooth he was. Arlington raises an eyebrow.
"Smooth. Anyway, I guess I'll see you later tonight. I'm gonna explore a little bit with Peanut." Arlington turns to leave the tea shop, but Zuko quickly spins her around and places a light kiss on Arlington's soft lips. She smiles before continuing to walk down the street.

Under the Cherry Blossom ↠ Zuko x OC ✔️Where stories live. Discover now