01 | A New Beginning

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It's been about a month since the war has ended and a little over a year has passed since Zuko and Arlington have last been at the Northern Water Tribe. Last time they were there, Zuko still had his weird ponytail and obsession with the Avatar.

Zuko turned seventeen a little over a month ago at the end of summer. Arlington's seventeenth birthday was two weeks ago at the beginning of autumn.

Arlington plays around in the snow with Peanut outside the Northern Water Tribe Palace. They're waiting for Zuko and Aang's meeting with Chief Arnook to be over. Arlington molds a snowball with her hands and throws it at Katara. The ball of snow hits the side of her face, causing her to lose concentration.

"Are you challenging a waterbender to a snowball fight?" Katara smirks. She's been a lot more playful and happy ever since the war ended. "You do know I have an advantage."
"Yes. Let's go!" Arlington dives behind the mound of snow she calls a fort.

"C'mon Peanut! Time to put our plan into action." Arlington begins making snowballs while Peanut attempts to do the same.

Across the courtyard, Katara easily bends a beautiful snow fort with striking details. She produces snowballs by the hundreds through waterbending.

Arlington pokes her head above her fort, aims, and throws a snowball. She backs the snowball up with a gust of wind to make it more powerful. It lodges into Katara's fort, making a dent in it.

Katara quickly strikes back by throwing a dozen or so snowballs at Arlington. Arlington cowers behind her snow fort.

"Alright, Peanut. Time to put our plan into action. Go!" Arlington gives Peanut a little push towards Katara's fort. Once he gets there, he pees all over the snowballs Katara has made, destroying them.

"That's not fair!" Katara cries out.
"Well, it's not fair that you can use waterbending to mass produce snowballs!" Arlington resorts.
"Ugh, alright. We'll continue this later with rules." Katara decides.
"And I'll kick your butt again!" Arlington smiles.
"Yeah, whatever." Katara passively waves her hand.

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The sun is beginning to set, painting the sky with vibrant oranges, pinks, and a few specks of purple. Katara has gone back to the room the Gaang's staying in. Arlington and Peanut sit outside on the steps of the building where Zuko, Aang, and Chief Arnook discuss political things.

"They're been in there all day... How long can a meeting last?" Arlington pets Peanut. He nuzzles his head into her side.
"Yeah, I'm bored too." Arlington stares off into the distance.

She watches the waves flow beyond the wall of the Northern Water Tribe. Her golden green eyes make their way to the Tribe's palace. She stares at it for some time, admiring the intricate detail made in the snow. Arlington soon becomes lost in her thoughts.

Zuko exits the meeting building. He sees Arlington and Peanut on the steps and lovingly smiles. He's completely head-over-heels for Arlington. Zuko walks down a few steps and sits next to her.

"Hey." Zuko says. Arlington quickly snaps out of her daze.
"Hey! How was the meeting?" Arlington eagerly asks.
"It went well. Now that both of the Water Tribes agree to building Republic City, we only need to get the Earth Kingdom on board with the plan." Zuko says. "What have you been up to all day?" He adds.

"Not much. I had a snowball fight with Katara and then wondered around for a bit." Arlington shrugs her shoulders.
"A snowball fight? Did you win?" Zuko asks.
"Of course!" Arlington smiles.
"That's my girl!" Zuko wraps his arms around Arlington, hugging her. She giggles.

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