It has been about a week since the encounter with the pirates. Arlington walks aimlessly down the ship's corridors. She eventually finds herself in the captain's area. The captain is focused on steering the ship. A few "upper class" crew members are lounging, some are playing Pai Sho. Arlington still doesn't get the gist of the game.
"Hey, do you mind if I teach you guys another game?" Arlington walks towards the Pai Sho board.
"Of course not. Have a seat." Some of the crewmen move over to make room for Arlington.After a few minutes, the crew has learned how to play checkers; thanks to Arlington.
"Now you guys can challenge Iroh to play checkers, and you could win!" The crew lets out a hearty laugh and some clap Arlington on the back.It has been hours and the crew and Arlington are still playing checkers. The mood is lighthearted. 'The crew deserves a break, since Zuko works them so hard.'
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Arlington sits in her cabin. She marks off a few more places where she has searched for her mom. The ship rocks slightly back and forth. Her golden green eyes look out the porthole. The sky is a crystal blue.
"Peanut." The little dog lifts his head.
"Let's go relax outside. I be you are tired of sitting in this dark room all day." Arlington opens her door and lead Peanut to the deck.A flock of birds fly by. Iroh is sniffing the air and Zuko is looking out of a telescope. Arlington sits at the nose of the ship. Peanut snuggles next to her.
"There is a storm coming. A big one." Iroh's statement catches Arlington off guard. She stands and walks towards Zuko and Iroh.
"But Iroh, the weather's perfect. There is not a cloud in sight." Arlington says."The storm is approaching from the north. I suggest we alter our course and head southwest." The retired General suggests.
"We know the Avatar is traveling northward, so we will do the same." The Prince insists."Prince Zuko, consider the safety of the crew." Iroh says.
"The safety of the crew doesn't matter!" Zuko roars. The crew overhears Zuko's comment. The Lieutenant looks angered.
"Iroh, sir, how do you know there is a storm coming?" Arlington asks.
"Just trust me." He says.Zuko, realizes the Lieutenant's anguish. He walks up until his face is right in front of the Lieutenant's.
"Finding the Avatar is far more important than any individual's safety." Zuko snaps. He sassily walks off, slamming the hatch behind him. 'Zuko is such a Drama Queen.'
Arlington walks up to Lieutenant Jee.
"I'll try to knock some sense into him." She pats his back a goes the way Zuko went.Iroh stays on the deck with Arlington's dog.
"I guess it's just you and me little fluffy animal." He gently pets Peanut.↠ ↠ ↠ ↠ ↠ ↠ ↠
Standing in front of Zuko's door, Arlington knocks. There is no answer. 'Should I go in without his permission?' Arlington looks to both sides before sucking in a breath and opening the door.
Zuko sits on his bed with his head in his hands. His jawline clenches and then relaxes.
"Prince Zuko?" Arlington is cautious; afraid he might lash out at her.All of Zuko's movements stop. He looks up. He looks exhausted. Arlington slowly sits next to Zuko on his bed. She gently rubs Zuko's back. At first, he tensed up under her touch, but soon relaxed.

Under the Cherry Blossom ↠ Zuko x OC ✔️
FanfictionArlington and her pet dog, Peanut, miraculously end up in the World of Avatar in search for her mother. Through her journey she meets a certain Banished Prince of the Fire Nation. She tags along with Zuko and Iroh in hopes of finding her mom, but...