The Gaang left the Northern Air Temple early the next morning. They're flying to Ba Sing Se to meet with Earth King Kuei to discuss what to do about the Fire Nation colonies in the Earth Kingdom.
Currently, the whole team discusses the plan to restore balance in the world in King Kuei's throne room.
"I never realized the Fire Nation had built so many colonies in the Earth Kingdom." Aang points to a map that's hanging on the wall.
"Yes, for Earth Kingdom citizens it's a constant reminder of the war, like an old scar; I mean nothing personal, Fire Lord Zuko." Kuei says."No, Earth King Kuei, you're right. After all the pain my father has caused, it's my duty to bring healing to the world. I'll remove those colonies. I'll do whatever it takes." Zuko assures.
"But removing the colonies won't be easy. A lot of people's lives are gonna be disrupted. We need someone to oversee everything, to make sure it all goes peacefully. Someone like me!" Aang volunteers."Really? You'd do that?" Zuko asks.
"Yeah, I'm the Avatar! Making stuff go peacefully is kind of my thing." Aang smiles."But are you sure that's the best idea? I think those colonies would be a perfect place to build Republic City. We want benders and non-benders of all nations to live together and in those colonies, Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom citizens are living together. It's a good start." Arlington says. Her idea is rather brilliant, but sadly, no one feels the same way.
"Nah, just leave the diplomatic stuff to people who are actually from this world." Sokka says.
Arlington's jaw drops. "What?" She snaps.
Sokka's blue eyes widen when he realizes he wasn't supposed to say that. Silence falls over the Earth King's throne room."I may have told Sokka, Katara, Toph, and Suki about where you came from while we were at the Northern Air Temple. Sorry." Aang rubs the back of his neck.
"Incredible." Earth King Kuei whispers. "We must take you to Ba Sing Se's science department to examine you! This could be a huge discovery!"
Zuko moves in front of Arlington to protect her. "No. No one's taking Arlington anywhere. We came here to discuss what to do about the colonies, now let's finish it." He sternly says."I suppose so." King Kuei sighs. "With the Avatar's personal involvement will give the entire process an air of hope. It'll be a movement towards harmony."
"The Harmony Restoration Movement!" Sokka yells.
"Yes! The Harmony Restoration Movement! I like it!" The Earth King agrees."What's with you and your goofy names for everything?" Toph asks Sokka.
"It's a gift." Sokka smiles.↠ ↠ ↠ ↠ ↠ ↠ ↠
A few hours after the meeting, Earth King Kuei planned a celebration where he would announce the Harmony Restoration Movement. The Gaang flies on Appa to get an aerial view of the celebration.
"Look! The fireworks are starting!" Suki points out at the nighttime sky.
"Wow! The view is amazing!" Katara says while different colored fireworks explode in the sky."Hey, want to know what fireworks are like for me? Close your eyes." Toph says.
Sokka is the only one who shuts his eyes.
"BOOOOM!" Toph yells loudly into his ear.
"Ahhh!!" Sokka screams.
"Oh, Toph. Don't be such a grump. You're out with friends on a beautiful night, celebrating the fact that we saved the world." Katara hugs the blind earthbender."And you two!" Katara points at Arlington and Zuko who've remained relatively quiet. "Lighten up!" She says.
"It's kinda hard to lighten up when you know people want to experiment on you like an animal of some sort." Arlington frowns. Zuko looks over at his girlfriend, he's worried about her.

Under the Cherry Blossom ↠ Zuko x OC ✔️
FanficArlington and her pet dog, Peanut, miraculously end up in the World of Avatar in search for her mother. Through her journey she meets a certain Banished Prince of the Fire Nation. She tags along with Zuko and Iroh in hopes of finding her mom, but...