08 | The Blue Spirit

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Iroh invites Arlington to sit down and teach him the game of checkers. Zuko and the Lieutenant are crouched over a map. Lately, Arlington has been avoiding the Prince ever since he lashed out at her. Even though Zuko apologized, Arlington wasn't awake to hear it. She moves around a few pieces and tells Iroh to copy her moves.

"We haven't been able to pick up the Avatar's trail since the storm. But, if we continue heading northeast –"

"What's that?!" Arlington cuts him off when a large shadow blocks the light from entering the ship's windows. "Let's go greet the visitors, Prince Zuko, Arlington."
Iroh instructs. The retired general walks out of the room; Zuko and Arlington follow.

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"What do they want?" Zuko spits out. A huge Fire Nation vessel is floating along side with Zuko's ship.
"Perhaps a sporting game of Pai Sho!" Iroh exclaims with laughter.
"I highly doubt that." Arlington flatly denies him.

A Fire Nation solider boards the Prince's ship. He unrolls a scroll to reveal a drawing of Aang and Asian calligraphy. 'Oh dear. I can't read Chinese!" Arlington uses her willpower not to blurt out 'What is that?!' She knows better than that. If anyone found out she can't read their language, they'll take advantage of her. After all, knowledge is power.

"The hunt for the Avatar has been given prime importance. All information regarding the Avatar must be reported directly to Admiral Zhao." The solider informs.

"Admiral? How did that dip stick get promoted?" Arlington is astonished. Zuko snickers while Iroh shoots a warning look at them.
"I've got nothing to report to Zhao. Now get off my ship and let us pass." Zuko's voice is coated with solemn.

"Admiral Zhao is not allowing ships in or out of this area."
"Dude, just get off his ship before he blows up in your face." Arlington plainly states. Zuko steals a small glance and smiles at Arlington. 'She gets me.' Reluctantly, he leaves and Iroh returns inside to finish up a Pai Sho game. Arlington and Zuko are left alone.

"Umm, Arlington?" Zuko's face reddens a little. She looks at him.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I know I said no one wants you here, but that's not true. Uncle likes your presence... and I kinda do too."

At first, Arlington is too shocked for words. She never would've guessed Zuko would be the one to apologize.

"Your apology is accepted, Prince Zuko." At first he doesn't look too convinced, but Arlington soon takes his hand in hers and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

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It has been a few hours since Zuko apologized. Arlington sits at her desk in her cabin. She marks off places on a map where she has searched for her mom.

"I'm never going to find her. There's too many cities. Too many towns." Arlington grasps her hair.
"I don't know anymore." Tears threaten to spill from her golden green eyes. Arlington looks at her reflection in the porthole.

Dark circles are under her eyes. Arlington's face has grown thinner and her eyes dull. Her black hair with a reddish tint has grown to where Arlington no longer has her pie-cut bangs. 'I don't even look like myself.'

Arlington digs into her pant pocket and pulls out a sharpened down pencil. On the back of the map, she begins to write multiples of 2 to 1000. Whenever Arlington needs a mental break, she writes multiples of numbers to 1000. It calms her, in a weird mathematical way. Math gives Arlington certainty, something she can't bare to live without.

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