05 | The Desert

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Arlington sits on the Ostrich Horse while Iroh, Zuko, and Peanut walk alongside her. They've been traveling on the same dirt road for about two days. Arlington's wound has started to scar over, but if she moves too quickly, a sharp pain emerges. Uncle begins to fake over exaggerated pained groans from walking so long.
"Maybe we should make camp." Zuko offers.
"No, please, don't stop for me!" Iroh continues to feign his pain.

Zuko leads the Ostrich Horse over to a flat rock. Since the kiss, Zuko hasn't said a single word to Arlington. The reason is unknown, but Arlington is confident his avoidance has to do with the emotions Zuko's feeling. If anything, Zuko was more shocked by the kiss than Arlington. Considering he was the one to claim Arlington meant nothing to him back at the Northern Water Tribe.

On top of Prince Zuko ignoring Arlington, Iroh suspects something. Every now and then, Arlington catches him smiling like a school girl who had her first kiss.

Arlington dismounts the animal and takes a seat on the flattened rock. Peanut jumps into Arlington's lap and snuggles closer to her. Iroh leans up against a tree. While everyone rests, Zuko stands still, looking down the dirt road.

The Ostrich Horse perks up, pricking its ears. Clearly, it detects something unusual. Zuko quickly takes a defensive posture in front of Arlington. Arlington ushers Peanut to go hide in a nearby bush. She slowly stands, ready to test out her airbending skills.
"What now?" Iroh groans and gets up from the tree.

Rough Rhinos streak through the foliage around them. Colonel Mongke's rhino stamps the ground forcefully, breaking the surface crust. 'I don't know if I can take these guys. I barely know how to shoot air at someone without launching myself in the sky!' Arlington hides her frustration at not knowing how to bend. Zuko continues his defensive posture. Iroh brightens and places a hand on Zuko's shoulder.

"Colonel Mongke! What a pleasant surprise!" Iroh beams. Arlington gives him a questioning look.
"If you're surprised we're here then the Dragon of the West has lost a few steps." The Colonel distastefully replies.
"You know these guys?" Zuko's raspy voice interrupts their conversation.
"Sure. Colonel Mongke and the Rough Riders are legendary. Each one is a different kind of weapons specialist. They are also a very capable singing group." Iroh says.
"We're not here to give a concert. We're here to apprehend fugitives! Especially airbending fugitives." Colonel Mongke smirks at Arlington. She makes the mistake of reacting to what the Colonel said, her face twisting into a shocked expression. Now Mongke knows for a fact that Arlington is an airbender.

'How does he know already?! Geez, Azula must be one hell of a gossip girl.' Arlington maintains her strong stance. The least she can do is look intimidating, but Arlington looking intimidating is about as scary as a fluffy, baby bunny. Zuko moves to block the Colonel's view of her.
"Would you like some tea first? I'd love some. How about you, Kachi? I make you as a jasmine man. Am I right?" Iroh jokes. Arlington facepalms. 'This is not the time for tea!'
"Enough stalling! Round 'em up!"

The dark skinned, pony tailed fighter swings his ball and chain at Iroh. Iroh kicks the ball away. The ball, redirected, wraps its chain around the foot of another warrior's rhino. Iroh dodges the fire blasts by tumbling along the ground. He rises back up to swat the rump of the rhino that had been chained. The rhino runs off, yanking the dark-skinned warrior who had one end of the chain attached to his belt as well as its own rider. Iroh waves as he watches them go. 'Oh Uncle Iroh. Always adding humor into a fight.'

An archer prepares to shoot a lit arrow at Zuko's back. Arlington lunges at him and knocks the archer off his rhino. The archer stands above and aims an arrow at Arlington. Peanut jumps from the bushes at the bow's string and snaps it. Arlington raises her leg to kick and blasts him with air. The archer flys into the sky and lands somewhere far away while Arlington is knocked ten feet back due to her own air blast. 'Ugh. Seriously?! I didn't sign up for this magic stuff.'

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