09 | Under the Cherry Blossom

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"Wait, say that again. You're getting married to Angry Boy?" Toph sticks her finger in her ear to clean out any gunk that may have impaired her hearing.
"Yes, Zuko and I are getting married!" Arlington happily shows off her betrothal necklace.

"That's wonderful Arlington!" Katara clasps her hands together.
"I'm just surprised he had the guts to do it. I don't know about you guys, but Zuko is pretty awkward." Toph says.

"When's the wedding?" Suki asks.
"What type of food will be there?" Sokka asks at the same time.
Arlington lightly giggles. "We want to get married in late autumn. So, it's pretty soon. And we haven't worked out all the details concerning food and decorations." The airbender smiles.

"Oh this is so exciting! We need to get you a dress!" Katara's blue eyes are wide. She appears to be more excited than Arlington.
"And the theme of the wedding is Fire Nation and Air Nomad, right? Toph and I can help with decorations!" Suki enthusiastically joins in.
"While we're at it, we might as well make Peanut the Maid of Honor." Toph casually says.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Arlington smiles and pulls the girls in for a hug.

"Great to know I'm part of the family guys." Sokka's sarcastic voice rings out.
"Then you can join us with decorating and dress shopping." Suki says. Toph then grabs Sokka's shirt and pulls him towards the girl's group hug.
"This isn't going to be manly at all." Sokka sighs.

"Hey! Peanut will be with you and he's a guy too!" Arlington exclaims.
"That's not what I mean but oh well. Looks like we're gonna form a bromance little fluffy animal." Sokka picks Peanut up into his arms and brings him in the group hug. Peanut barks and wags his tail.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to need a guys trip after this or something." Sokka sighs. The girls just laugh.

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Today, Arlington and Zuko take another step in their relationship. Today, they become husband and wife, Fire Lord and Fire Lady. The fairytale celebration has already begun. Zuko and his best man, Avatar Aang, stand at the end of the aisle. Both men wear lavish, deep red colored robes and Zuko has his hair done in a formal bun.

Zuko's heart pounds with excitement. He's sweating even though it's quite chilly outside; just yesterday, snow flurries fell for the first time this season, blanketing the ground in a light dusting of white, however the snow didn't stick around for long.

The Fire Lord wipes his hands off on his robe. Aang smiles. He's happy that Zuko found someone to love and someone who balances him out. The Avatar places a reassuring hand on the Fire Lord's shoulder. Zuko glances at him and smiles.

The bands begins to play, signaling Arlington's walk down the aisle. A mandolin and tsungi horn play together in melodic harmony. A violin and flute join in soon after. Together the instruments create a beautiful quartet. Arlington's bridesmaids, Katara, Toph, Suki, and Sokka smile as Arlington begins walking.

Peanut prances ahead of Arlington, dropping panda lily flowers as he goes. He's the flower boy of the ceremony. The little dog is wearing a matching red cape and bow tie.

Arlington and Uncle Iroh follow Peanut's trail of flowers.
"You look stunning Arlington. My nephew can't take his eyes off you." Uncle whispers to his 'daughter'.
"Thank you, Uncle. I really appreciate you doing this for me."
"It's an honor that you view me as your father to walk you down the aisle and after all, I see you as my own daughter." Iroh smiles at Arlington. They're halfway down the aisle.

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