06 | The Resistance

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Arlington and Zuko sit in the palace's garden. They watch Peanut dig several holes to hide his treats.

His attempts to hide the treats are rather sad. Peanut digs a hole that's not even big enough to put the treat in, then he throws a little dirt on it, not even covering it all the way.

"I know you've gone to visit your dad." Arlington starts up a conversation. She didn't want to have this talk with Zuko, but she knew she would have to confront him about it someday.

Zuko sighs. "I don't know how to rule a country. I just thought that since he ruled, he could give me advice."
"Your father may have ruled, but he ruled very poorly. He's not the one you should be seeking advice from, Zuko. You have advisors to talk to and you have me." Arlington intertwines her fingers with Zuko's to hold his hand.

"I know. I've stopped visiting him since the incident in Yu Dao. It turns out that my opinion was right all along and he was just trying to make me fail." Zuko looks down.
"I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on in your head. I know I'm pretty amazing, but I can't read minds." Arlington says.

Zuko softly laughs. "I know. There's talk of a resistance. People don't want me on the throne."
"I bet those people are people who received special treatment for supporting your father. They're just upset that they're not getting that anymore." Arlington explains.
"They're a little more than upset... Last night, there was an attempt on my life." Zuko admits.
"What?! Why didn't you tell me?" Arlington's eyes widen with worry.

"I didn't want you to worry." Zuko looks down.
"Zuko, I'm always going to worry about you because I love you." Arlington squeezes his hand.
"I love you too. But what do I do about this resistance?" He asks.

"Well, you should strengthen the security around the palace. The fact that someone was close to killing you just shows you how much security could improve. If another assassination attempt occurs, be sure to catch the person. This way, you could question them and find out was the resistance wants and if you can work something out with them." Arlington says.

"Being Fire Lord is hard." Zuko rubs the sides of his head to prevent getting a headache.
"Take that as a good sign! If it were easy, that means you're ignoring the needs of your people." Arlington tries to cheer him up.
"I love the way you think." Zuko laughs.
"Aang described it as 'a positive, upbeat attitude'. You should try it sometime." Arlington jokes.

Zuko laughs and pulls Arlington into his lap. He wraps his arms around her waist and rests his head on her shoulder. They look at the pond in front of them.

"I was thinking that you should move into my room." Zuko says.
"Yeah? You know you would have to share the bed with Peanut too." Arlington smiles.
"I wouldn't want it any other way." Zuko kisses her cheek.
"Then I would love to." Arlington smiles again.

Ever since Zuko invited Arlington to stay at the Fire Nation Royal Palace with him, they've been living in separate rooms. They only sleep together when one of them has a breakdown and needs comforting, like that one night with Zuko after talking with Earth King Kuei.

The duo continue to gaze at the pond in front of them. Zuko plays with Arlington's slightly wavy hair. He gently runs his fingers through it.
"Are you sure you would want to marry me?" Arlington asks out of the blue. She turns around in Zuko's lap to look at him.

"Arlington, you are the most amazing, smart, and beautiful girl I have ever met. I have never cared about anyone the same way I care about you. I don't just want you in my life, I need you in my life. You make me a better person. Why would you think I wouldn't want to marry you?" Zuko holds both of her hands.
"I don't know. No guy has ever shown any romantic interest in me. Back in my world, every guy just saw me as a pal or bro. I just kinda assumed that I'm not girlfriend material, yet alone wife material." Arlington explains.

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