Dean ≫ Forever and Always

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Dear (y/n),

Honestly, I don't even know how to start this. Do I start with I miss you? Or do I start with I can't cope anymore? Because the two are so close. So why don't we start with this. Hi, beautiful. I miss you, I just can't cope anymore. How is it where you are? I bet you're enjoying it. I bet its beautiful there isn't it? I have written this letter so many times and I still don't know what to put in here. It's funny you know, we've been married for, what? Three years? Yeah....

Sam, he's coping, you know? He misses you and wishes you come back. Cas, he's doing good, he's actually understanding earth now. Oh! And our twins, their my joys. Babe. If you're wondering, Benny's grown up to look like you. Mary's grown up to look like me. They miss you so much, (y/n). It's almost their fourth birthday.

Mary wears your bracelets, she says that it will be a reminder of you. Benny, he likes to keep your special stone, you know that gives you luck? They act just like us, smart like you but devious like me. We just wish you were here to watch the grow up. They love their Uncle Sammy and Uncle Cas. God, they also have taken to call Crowley their Uncle but Crowley actually like it.

It's been a year, (y/n). It's been a year since you were taken from us, a year since I haven't kissed or felt your warmth. It's been a year of torture without you and I know there is going to be many more years to come. I just miss you.

Today is your one year anniversary of your death. I wouldn't really call it anniversary, really... Anniversaries are suppose to be happy and it certainly isn't.Today is also our three years of being married. Now that is something that we should be celebrating, unfortunately we can't.

I still have those polaroid pictures, god I hated them but you insisted that they were better than a normal phone pictures. I keep them with me. Benny and Mary has a picture of you kept with them. Their almost four years old, they're just as smart as you (y/n).

I'll keep pulling through, I mean who is going to be for our children. I just wish I could have one more kiss from you, another hug just to feel your warmth. I wish I could talk to you and see you again, beautiful. I miss everything about you. Now all I have a old text, pictures and love letters. You know, I will never ever take off my wedding ring, never.

I love you, forever and always.



*pulling your heartstrings so hard.* THE FEELS OH GOD THE FEELS

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