Crowley ≫ Our Love is Rapturous

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Imagine Crowley...finding out about your death. (Now in brackets I will be putting what the one shot is called aka title;this one is called: Our love is rapturous.)

"What do you mean (y/n) is dead?"

The demon, who was obviously uncomfortable of the present of Crowley, shifted in his place, very reluctant to meet the king of hell's eyes. Crowley glared at the demon. The demon finally looked at his eyes and bit their lips nervously.

"The girl, your girlfriend.. She is dead."

Crowley sat up in his seat and laughed. He knew you. You were known for making ruses around him even if you were a hunter. You were known to fake your death so you can help the Winchesters. The demon scratched the back of his head. Crowley stopped laughing seeing the demons face.

"You are not lying are you?"

"N-N-No sir. She wa-want-wanted me to tell you." He said stuttering.

Crowley stood up and circled the demon, who once more shifted in place. The demon did not want to follow Crowley's eyes. Crowley stopped in front of the demon and was closed up in his face. The demon gulped.

"I told you to protect her." Crowley hissed in a low tone in the demon's ear. The demon quiver in fear.

"Sir, she died... From a human disease. " He took a deep breath. "Her choice and I can not change her choice. I could not stop it."

Crowley took a step back, before sneering at the demon. He spun on his heel with his back towards the demon. Crowley could not believe his ears. The girl he loved the most is dead and from natural cause? You didn't smoke. You believed if you let the killing thing kill you, you could just stab yourself. But you were very often near people who smoked.But what could kill you? Cancer? Would it be obvious? No, you died of lung cancer.

It was your choice to stay near smokers. Inhaling the toxic fume. Maybe you did wanted to die from smoking. Maybe you just wanted to die slowly. Maybe you were just wanted the world to be perfect and you had a normal life. Of course the hunters life wasn't optional as if you wanted to be a hunter in the first place. You, out of all people, wanted something simple. You never got that simplicity. You never experience a normal life where you know there is no such things as demons but you had to know. You had to know that your mother and father were hunters and you couldn't stop your life heading for the same road.

You wanted to be normal. Have a normal boyfriend, a normal job, everything normal. But instead you got the hunters job. Of course you were in love with Crowley, you couldn't ask for anything better. He was only different towards you. He showed affection. He showed that he can be anything you want if you asked. Crowley, you could say your addiction. The more time you spend with it the more you fall for it. As the book, the fault in our stars, said. "I fell in love the way I fall asleep; slowly then all at once."

"Get out." Crowley hissed at the demon, who obeyed him seeing he should not be angered more.


It took him hours before sending himself to your house. It took him hours to man himself up. When entering the house he was hit with the smell of gun shots and chocolate. He smiled at the though of your love of chocolate. He teased you about that. But his smiled faded when he realise no music was playing. Usually when entering your house, music would be blasting. Usually the neighbours found it irksome, but you didn't care.

Crowley entered your room. Your room was small but cosy. He entered your bathroom. The bathroom was grand or anything. He picked up your shampoo and missing your scent. The scent of strawberries. He rubs the bottle before closing it and placing it down. He once more entered your room. The room was painted with a repulsive shade of yellow. He noticed a note book. On the cover was a picture of him and you.

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