Winchesters ≫ God damn it Winchesters!

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"Dean what the fuck are you doing in there? Are taking a shower then having a shit then another shower?"

For the last hour you have been knocking the bathroom door and Dean has been in there since 8am. You groan when the response was him singing. Sam walked pass looking like shit and was also waiting for the bathroom. He smiled tiredly and you looked at his hair.

"A swear give me some clippers an-"

"Shut up."

Wow, even Sam can be sassy when he is half awake. You heard laughter in the bathroom. Sam pushing you out of the way and banging the door down. You groaned as you slid down the wall while facing the bathroom door and watched the two Winchesters bicker through the door. Oh wait, you didn't know they started to argue. Soon you Sam joined you watching the door intensely. Then you heard the door lock. Both you and Sam got off the floor.

"Ladies first." Sam said. You smiled. "Or the one with better hair than you even have. So me."

First, you sometimes hate sassy Sam. But this time you got a comeback.

"Wait. Are you calling yourself a lady?"

He gave you a bitch please face. Dean open the door and stared both at you.

"First one to get the bathroom wins."

Dean moved quickly, while Sam tripped you over and rushed to the bathroom door. He turned around and smiled sassily.

"I win."

Then you heard the bathroom door shut. You groan and get up. Dean looked sympathetic look towards you. You growled and gave him the finger.

"This is your fault."

As you started to walk down the hall way pissed.


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