Sam ≫ Stress release

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Imagine Sam.... Making sure you feel less stress.

You had a load of revision. You were sitting at a table with all the subjects you have to revise. Right now you were revising for Maths, and everyone knows that Maths is hard! You groaned as you wanted to bang your head on the table. It was 10pm. Dean was out again. Sam was somewhere you didn't know where your boyfriend was, you were too busy to notice.

You had your head in you hands as you shut your eyes. The brightness in the bunker was blinding for you now. You started to bang you head o the table but not too hard. It had be the time when Sam walks into the room. He stares at you weirdly before noticing all the sheets that surrounded your head. Sam walked up to you and put his hand on your back making you jump.

"Jesus Christ Sam! You scared me!" You said as you finally looked at him.

"Sorry!" You rolled you eyes before you put your head back on the table and sighed.

Sam watched for a minute before picking you up and dropping you in front of the couch. He made you stay, well actually you stayed not bother to try and fight Sam. Plus you were tired. Sam came back 5 minutes later with two bowls of popcorn and a stack of your favourite movies. You rolled your eyes as he put in your favourite movie. He sits next you as he pulls you under his arms.

After 30 minutes later, Sam was looking down at you. "Feeling better?"

You looked up and smile. "Yeah, much better. Thanks Sam." As you kissed him on the lips and then continuing the movie.


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