Requested Gabriel and Lucifer ≫ Let's Not Get Hasty

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For Supernaturaltrekkie aka Alex

So what if the two biggest archangels were fighting over one girl. That's saying much. Gabriel doesn't like much humans and of he does it's usually a girl. Then there is Lucifer, who hates humans and want to fucking destroy all of them. So there is a first thing of everything. Alex, the girl they are fighting over, doesn't know who to chose. While the boys, Cas and the Winchesters, told her not to chose and leave them.

Gabriel, how to describe Gabriel? His brown soft hair to match his whiskey eyes. But his personality...he's funny yet so protective. He hides his emotion. He hides the fact that he just wants everything back to normal. He hides because he's scared. He's scared to be scared.

But Lucifer...Lucifer would be people nightmares, he's not that bad of a man, archangel. Lucifer, how can you not fall for his blue eyes. They don't sparkle much but they'll do. Yeah sure he can be a bit Narcissistic. But he just want his family. He just want be loved is that too much?

But this was testing their love for Alex. Sweet sweet Alex. Alex just had to be kidnapped. Lucifer, hell broke loose and pun intended. Gabriel might have fucked up the Winchesters again. They were both determined to find Alex and fast. After they finished fucking people's lives. If they survive that is.

Alex by now was pretty beaten up and was hoping one of her 'prince charming' will come and rescue her. Alex was going to die and she knew it. But then Gabriel smash through the windows and saw his 'princess.' Alex thoughtfully thanked his father for making one of her admirer to save her.

However, Alex was slowly loosing life and Gabriel knew that. She was loosing blood fast. She had a large cut over her eyebrow. A long deep cut across her stomach. This angered Gabriel and quickly stabs the kidnappers, which wasn't a monster and that's a surprise. Gabriel quickly went to Alex side and laid her on the floor. He healed her quickly before he can lose the girl. Alex watched his whiskey eye dance with worry.

"What?" He asked after healing her.

"Nothing, it's just that...your eyes are very beautiful."

He smirked then Lucifer burst in. He smirked and raised an eyebrow. Gabriel glared at his older brother before flashing Alex and him to his apartment.

"What was that?" She asked.

"What was what?"

"That glare of yours. You never glare expect the times with the Winchesters."

"You're mine." He declared.

"Whoa! Let's not get hasty!"

He looked down remembering she weren't his girlfriend....yet.


His head shot up and looked at her expectingly.

"I chose you."

With that she pulled him into a kiss.

I'm going out with some friends tomorrow, OMG I AM BEING SOCIABLE, so I might not update but then again my updates are unexpected.

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