Badlands Series ≫ Hold Me Down

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Part four of fifteen

My demons are begging me to open up my mouth
I need them mechanically make the words come out

You walked the busy street, that was full of shoppers, mothers keeping their children behave, men going out and joking, ladies gossiping. You turn to see the familiar blue eyes, you stopped dead in your tracks and tilt your head, wearing a confused face as if to mock the innocent angels.

"Hey, Cas."

"(Y/n)." He drawled out, he squinted at you holding back a sad look, you were his best friend and now you changed. "What happened to you?"

"Dean Winchester happened, Sam Winchester happened, you happened, Cas." You looked at him with narrowed eyes, "I was sick and tired. How many times have I repeated myself? And yet still you guys don't listen to me!"

They fight me, vigorous and angry, watch them pounce
Ignite me, licking up the flames they bring about

"No matter you show you care, Cas, I am sick." You glared at the angel, who looked at you both sadly and confused. "I am sick of the voices in my head because they keep telling me to say things, to do things." You explained with such anger before continuing, "I am dying because of them."

"We would have helped you."

The look on your face was murderous. You grabbed the angel's neck tie and pulled him down to your face. He looked into your (e/c) eyes as you stared at his blue eyes. He tried to read your emotion and for some reason he couldn't.

"No you wouldn't Cas, because I already asked. I wasn't even fucking acknowledged. So Castiel, I promise you. I became like this to stop the voices in my head. The voices that you and the brothers caused."

I sold my soul to a three-piece
And he told me I was holy
He's got me down on both knees

"I done a lot of sinning, Castiel." You said, while people pushed past you and Castiel.

People around you were annoyed that you and Castiel had stopped in the middle of the pavement to have a talk. Out of places you two had to stop. So you were pushed and shoved, there were shoulder barges, you couldn't care less because right now you were furious at a certain team.

"I would have sold my soul." You said, flipping your hair over your shoulder, "But then Crowley would have knows and would have made the deal break."

it's the devil that's tryna hold me down, hold me down.
Sneaking out the back door, make no sound. Knock me out, knock me out
Saying that I want more, this is what I live for

"But, oh Cas, I live for it." You smiled, that sickening smile that wasn't so innocent anymore. "i live for the danger, for the risk. I am loving ever single thing."

Castiel tilts his head, "You're working for Lucifer."

You laughed and shook your head, "Oh no, sweets, he is trying to get me to work for him. It is cute to see the devil begging. Trying to hold me down."

Castiel grabs your wrist, tightly, with a slight glare in his eyes. You looked at those bright blue eyes with mischief laced in your eyes as you smirked at the angel, "This is not you, we want to help you. We need our (y/n) back."

Hold me down, hold me down
Throw me in the deep end, watch me drown
Knock me out, knock me out
Saying that I want more, this is what I live for

"Castiel, darling." You said lowly, "You're hurting me."

He let go of you at once he heard your pained voice, he soften and relaxed looking at the innocent eyes of yours. He dropped your hand as you back up away from the angered angel. You licked your lips. You watched how the angel broke inside, seeing his best friend turn against him. You want how his blue eyes slowly dulled. You sighed and placed a gentle hand on his cheek.

"I never wanted this, Cas, you know it but it was you guys what drove me to it." You rubbed his cheek with your thumb, "It pains me to see you hurt."

He looks into your eyes and can feel nothing but lies and more lies.

Selfish, taking what I want and call it mine. I'm helpless, clinging to a little bit of spine
They rush me, telling me I'm running out of time. They shush me (shhh), walking me across a fragile line

"I'm desperate Cas, I'm looking after myself now. I was helpless when I was with you, you guys dragged me down, I was blinded from my stupidity."

You ran your fingers through his dark messy hair before pulling back. He looked at you sadly before sighing and placing your hands in your pockets.

"You ran out of time, now I'm running out of time, patients and mercy. Now you and the rest have such a thin line with me, one little thing you do to me will make me snap, I will make you suffer, I will not hesitate, Castiel."

You soon disappeared as the Winchester Brothers came behind Castiel, "You alright, Cas? What happened?" Dean asked, looking at the space Castiel was staring. He looked down and the brothers.

"(Y/n) happened."



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