Castiel ≫ Dying Breath

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Hunting was terrifying. The way you run around in circle in the dark fighting the things that goes bump in the night. Hunting was terrifying in different ways. The monsters that lurk in the darkness awaiting to suck the life out of people. The existence of  monsters itself. What is terrifying is that it was death.

Death is what you feared.

Sure you seen plenty or you had plenty of deaths but you still feared because one day their will be a day where your angel can't bring you back. You fear death because you really didn't know what was on the other side. Darkness and utter silence? Bright lights and angels singing? You were saddened the fact you may never see Castiel again.

It was time.

The way you lie on the floor as the blood pour out while Castiel fought hard against the angels, looking at you as you splutter blood out of your mouth. Castiel finished off the angels as came by your side. He placed your head on his lap as he tried to heal you but there was no avail. Like God was stopping Castiel.

He looked down at you as tears slowly formed in his eyes, you fought to stay awake a little longer before death came to you. Castiel's bright blue eyes didn't shine anymore, they were slowly become dull as tears threaten to spill. Your body slowly pales and become cold. Castiel ran his hand through your hair trying to comfort you.

"Castiel, I love you so much. Thank you for making me live my life."

"No no no, (y/n). You're going to live!" He cried as he spoke with a broken voice, "you're going to live."

You smile faintly as you place a hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes and leans into the touch of your hand. He opens his eyes and smiles sadly at you. You looked at his eyes as you pushed his hair before wiping his tears away as you feel your own tears. You slowly dropped your hand down onto his hand. You both held hands.

"Stay with me." You gasped, "Until I am gone."

Castiel nods as he held your hand tightly. You talked as he listened. He was taken in your voice and remembering it before you slip away. You talked so you could stay awake, stay alive for a bit longer so you can stay in the arms of your angel, your boyfriend. Castiel listened and smiled at your wild stories but he could slowly sense your life gripping onto your soul so hard.

"I am so sorry, (y/n)" Castiel spoke, as you slowly slipped away, "I love you. Forever."

You smiled and the tears glistened in both of your eyes. You were incredibly cold and you were pale. Your grip on his hand was now loose, your breathing was slow but very uneasy. You looked at Castiel and smiled at him for the last time, you wanted to show him that at least to died happy. Castiel pushed back some of your hair.

"Thank you for everything, my love."

Castiel sobbed as your gasped and took your last dying breath. He lets go of your hand, closes your eyes and brings you closer to him. His face buried into your hair as he cried into your lifeless body. He rocked back and forth as his cries was loud and heart breaking. He stroke your hair as he cried.

For days after your death he wasn't been seen by anyone. Dean and Sam was getting worried. Castiel showed his face to the Winchesters when they made a proper hunter's funeral, of course Cas requested a gravestone. Now most of his day consist sitting at your grave and talking about anything and everything, just before he could leave. He breaks down and cries.

Castiel has been so grateful for you. You gave him human emotion. You made him feel love. Now that his love of is life has slipped away from him he is only full of sadness. He hates life, why? Because he was going to do something special for you.

He was going to propose.


And this killed me. Thank you for your time,I hope you cry.

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