Mycroft Holmes - Merry Christmas

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Type: character x reader

View: second person

Main character: Mycroft Holmes / BBC

Warnings: I wanted to keep it cute and clean so none.

Summary: Even the British government has nightmares... Also Christmas.


It was a cold winter night. The day before Christmas eve. You were a good friend of Sherlock Holmes and he decided it would be best if you spend Christmas with him , John , Mary, Mycroft and his parents and you gladly agreed since you haven't really had anybody else you could spent it with. Sherlock's parents were charming people, Mary and John you knew for a while now but Mycroft was a completely new person to you. And somehow he made his way to your heart.

Maybe it was the way he spoke. With such a soothing voice. Or maybe him being such a mysterious charming man. And in a matter of three days you became so attached that the first thing in the morning was running to Mycroft and hugging his chest. And although you and 'the British government' were close you never kissed or nothing like that.

It was the middle of the night when you heard quiet whimpering. You growled and opened your eyes looking for the possible cause.

You slept in Sherlock's and Mycroft's old bedroom. In the same bedroom the second one slept in.

You looked a bit closer and noticed the British government twitching in his bed.

"No- l-leave her alone!" Mycroft yelled almost falling off his bed. You dashed out of the warmth of Sherlock's old bed and lightly shook the other Holmes.

"M-Mycroft... Hey Mycroft are you awake?" You shook him even more. He jumped slightly and opened his eyes.

"Oh god Y/N I'm so glad you're okay!" He sighed in relief and pulled you into a tight hug.

"M-Mycroft! What are you d-doing?" You cupped his cheek bringing his head up.

" Y/N he took you away! He tortured you! H-he..."

"Please calm down Mycroft. Who took me away?"Mycroft calmed down and cupped your face too, so you where sitting in the dark cupping eachother faces.

"Moriarty. He was doing so many terrible things to you Y/N..."

"It's okay Mycroft. No one took me away. I'm right here." You hugged him.

"Y/N?" He mumbled into your chest.

"Will you stay with me? I want to make sure you're okay." You giggled.

"Sure Mike." You snuggled up under the covers next to Mycroft. And to your surprise you felt his arms wrap around your waist pulling you closer so you were the small spoon and he was the big one. He was breathing softly against your neck sending sweet chills down your spine.

"Thank you." He whispered.

Mrs Holmes noticed something weird in the morning. There was no coffee smell nor the sounds of morning news. Where is Mycroft? He should be up at this hour surely.

Mrs Holmes walked up the stairs and into the bedroom her older son and Y/N shared.

When she opened the door she noticed two bodies melted in a embrace sleeping peacefully. A smile creeped on her face.

It was Mycroft.

Mycroft and Y/N.

She quietly closed the door.

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