Max Lewinsky SMUT

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2506 words everybody

Uploading this sin here becuz my Tumblr is sfw


You heard an ear piercing scream somewhere down the corridor. You swore underneath your breath and ran there with your med kit in hand. You turned right and stopped suddenly. Max was lying on the floor and above him was Jacob Sternwood pointing a gun at him. You locked eyes with him and froze. He stood there too, unmoving. Another guy, this time you couldn't say who it was exactly, came by on a motorcycle and took Sternwood away. You sighed in relief and reminded yourself of the wounded Max lying on the floor, screaming in pain. You ran over to him and kneeled down.

"You, Lewinsky are a fucking idiot that's for damn sure." You said and moved him to a different position. "You could've listened to Nathan and just fucking left. You know, you could make life easier for me but noooo, you gotta show of every god damn time don't you, Lewinsky?" He growled at you.

"Can you stop being such a fucking bitch for once Y/L/N?"

"Can you stop being an ignorant prick?" You spat back at him. You glanced over to his leg. "Mother fucker... We gotta get you to a hospital."

"No. No hospitals I can't do this again." He tried getting up but you pushed him back down.

"Are you that dumb really? You're going to bleed out before you reach your god damn car. Lay back down and don't move I'll try to stop the bleeding for now." You hooked your finger in the hole in his jeans that the bullet made.

"Don't you fucking dare-" He growled. You ripped the trousers open enough to be able to take care of his leg. "-Mph! You... Bitch."

"Shut the fuck up or I'll leave you here." You opened the med kit and took out your tools as well as your phone. You dialed 999. "Hello? Yeah hi. I'm gonna need an ambulance. A gunshot wound. In the thigh. I don't think it shot through the leg, it's still inside. Yeah, I stopped the bleeding. Uh... Male. Okay. Alright, thanks." You hung up. "They're coming."

"Nathan's going to kill me."

"Yes, he will. If your stupid ass makes it." You sat back and stared at him. You didn't give him any painkillers so he was probably in a lot of pain right now. You didn't mind. Like... At all.

"What are you staring at?" He growled again and winced.

"You." You raised one eyebrow and chuckled. "Wanna morphine shot?"

"Of course I want a morphine shot are you fucking stupid?"


You knocked on his door. Knocked? Banged. Chief's been sending you to his place often lately and quite frankly, you've gotten sick of it. He thinks the idiot isn't taking his meds which is... Likely. You waited for like... Two minutes until he finally decided to open his door. Max looked at you with one eyebrow raised. He didn't look pleased to see you. You stared back at him and popped a bubble with your gum.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, not really that happy, and moved to the side to let you in.

"Guess." You walked inside and took off your shoes. The apartment was tidy which was quite surprising. Max must've finally cleaned up this shithole.

"Ah, fucks sake." He retreated to his kitchen.

"Geiger's worried about you or rather the work you ain't doing." You said and followed him.

"Tell him I'm on Sternwood's case." You chuckled, not really believing him.

"Are you? Did you take the meds today?"

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