Wolverine x reader

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Quick info: While I was writing this around the midway point I started watching the first X-men movie for the first time ever and realized that this relationship I created is really similar to the one Logan has with Rogue. I apologize for this, wasn't my intention at all.

(the Professor X mentioned is Steward's age so the story takes place pretty recently. Around 'the last stand')

Also, Yaaay another unedited one! I can't be bothered It's 10 pm I have school tommorow at 8 XD.


You were sitting on the couch, looking at the sexy lumberjack from afar and fumbling with your levitating pendant. It was moving in the air between your fingers by itself. Well... Not exactly by itself, you were still using your powers but it was there.

Logan was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, reading some newspaper and you just so happened to be bored and ready to annoy him again.

You stood up from your place, walking over to him, swinging your hips as much as you could. You yawned loudly and jumped onto he counter, sitting your ass down just inches away from his newspaper.

"What are you doing?" He asked, emotionless.

"Sitting." He looked up at you for a split second before returning his gaze down again.

"Get your ass off the counter."


"Because it's not a seat."

"Is your lap a seat cause I'd sit on that." You replied, boldly. Logan looked up again, looking rather annoyed.

"Was that supposed to be funny?"

"I dunno, old man. Was it?" You teased.

"Oh shut up. Ass off the counter."

"Mmm, nah." He grunted in frustration and walked away. in the last second you noticed the "wolverine" neklace he had and proceeded to take it off of his neck with your powers. "Oooh~ look at this! So pretty~" He turned around on his heel and in two big steps he was again next to you. You moved your legs so they were dangling off the edge of the counter and he was standing in between them.

"Give that back right now." His tone was serious, his accent thick and it made your insides tingle.

"Hm hm hmmmm.... Wolverine... Wonder how old this is~ 100 years? 150?" You levitated it in front of his eyes to annoy him even more.

"None of your god damn business missy." He snatched it away. You pouted your lips and kept staring him straight in the eyes.

"Look at that~ Did I anger the big~ bad~ wolf?" You teased. Logan growled and pulled out his claws. He held one just beneath your chin, dangerously close. You felt it push into your skin, not enough to break it bit enough to make the possibility concerning. You laughed.

"Don't test me Y/N."

"Do it. Cut me. I dare you." You felt the pressure subside.

"I'm done with you." He said and walked away. You giggled and returned to playing with your pendant.


"You have got to be kidding me." Logan was standing in front of Professor X's desk, pretty annoyed.

"I'm not, Logan." He replied, with his usual stoic expression.

"Can't someone else train them?"

"If there was anyone else I would ask them. I know what your relationship is like Logan." A tint of a smirk formed on Xavier's lips.

"Relationship? That's a strong word."

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