Ned - love hurts

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Type: character x reader

View: second person

Main character: Ned the pie maker - pushing daisies

Warnings: none (this is short)

Summary: You had an argument with Ned

In your entire life, you never thought you'd meet a guy like Ned. Even more, fight him.

While it wasn't a physical fight it sure was just as painful. It was a stupid argument that turned into a shitstorm and ended up on you storming out of the pie hole into the cold and windy city.

You could hear Ned calling after you but you didn't care anymore. Your friendship was just about to fall down a cliff. You headed straight home without looking back. You felt tears fall down your cheeks.

It was even more painful because deep inside, you loved Ned.

You reached your door, quickly opened it and shut it just as fast after you entered. You stripped off your coat and shoes. You swallowed a lump in your throat and burst into tears. Why didn't I stop? Why didn't I end it there? Ned hates me now... But he probably doesn't even care.... He has Chuck. You thought laying on the floor and with that... You fell asleep.


You didn't go to work the next day. You couldn't look Ned into the eyes. You couldn't risk the hateful looks from Chuck too.

You got up in the morning feeling sore from the floor. Your eyes were tired and red from crying. You stood up and immediately regretted it for the headache that hit you. You stumbled back. You quietly swore and straightened up.

You walked to your kitchen for some aspirin and took the cup to the bathroom where you took a quick shower. You considered going to the pie hole and say sorry but physically and mentally couldn't.

You fixed your hair and chugged down the aspirin.

You spent the day crying and contemplating over to go see Ned and end this or try to avoid him forever. It was 8pm so around the closing hours when you decided to go and catch Ned just before he closes.

Around 20 minutes later you were standing in front of the pie hole looking at a paper scrap that said: Sorry we're temporarily closed! Check on us tomorrow!

You read and took a deep breath. Temporarily? So Ned is home...


You knocked on the pie maker's door in hope he wouldn't be there and you wouldn't have to talk to him. But deep inside you also hoped he will be there, so you can see his beautiful eyes, his tall posture and such a caring expression he always wore.

You heard that the lock flicked and your eyes lit up in hope. In the door he stood. His lips slightly parted in shock and his eyes red from (what you assumed was) tears just like yours.

"Y/N..." He almost whispered.

"Hello Ned... Are you... Busy?" You asked biting on your lip nervously and playing with your scarf.

"No, come in. Please." He moved to the side so you could enter. You accepted and entered.

Ned was wearing his casual black t-shirt and some shorts. His hair was messy and his face seemed hurt.

"Y/N." He breathed out as you stood in front of him and looked into his eyes whilst kicking your shoes off. When you were done you felt more tears start to fall from your eyes as well as a bit from his.

"I'm so sorry Ned." You gulped out through the lump.


"I hurt you."

"Y/N..." He continued to chant your name.


"You came..." You got picked up and pulled into a bone crushing hug. You were shocked at first but couldn't hold your tears anymore and just let them fall and stain Ned's shirt. You wrapped your arms around him as much as you possibly could inhaling his scent.

"Sorry. I'm so so sorry..." You felt Ned was crying too.

"No, I am sorry..." You pulled away just enough to look into eachother's red eyes.

You didn't really register who first leant in but within a few seconds you felt the pie maker's lips press firmly against yours. You cupped his face and started to open mouth kiss him whimpering apologies through kisses.

"I missed you. I thought I lost you..."

"I thought you didn't care. You have Chuck anyways?"

"Please don't say that. Y/N..."

"Ned... Did you cry?" You asked caressing his cheek

"The day away. And the night."

"I did too." You admitted and ran a hand through his hair.

"Y/N... I think I love you. Actually no, I know I do." You laughed.


"Whatever..." Ned grinned and kissed your forehead.

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