Erik Lehnsherr x reader

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I'm on a roll lately with these! Anyways, this was requested by a friend from class so here ya go you know who you are you 😉

As always, unedited cuz I'm lazy

This is happening in Poland (it was pretty easy for me to write since I am polish) so it's really up to you if you want to include Nina as Y/N's and Erik's child in the future or just make her not happen at all.

No warnings needed other than a little mention of smut.


You noticed a man, probably around your age walking around the shop. He had brown-ish hair and a nice stubble. His eyes were blue. You never seen him before, which was a new feeling for you. You knew pretty much anyone in Pruszków since it was such a small village. You did hear that a misterious 'someone' was to arrive here from America but you didn't expect them to be here so fast. You did feel a bit nosy but it was hard not to hear something when everybody was talking about this one topic for the last week.

You turned your gaze away from him,feeling a bit weird for staring and instead looked back at your newspaper. You heard someone  approach the counter you were sitting at so you looked up again. And there he was again, standing in front of you.

"Dzień dobry. (Hello)"He said to you in broken polish, putting down his groceries. Yes, he was definitely the american.

"Dzień dobry." You replied and smiled. He was really handsome up close too.

"I'm sorry but do you speak English?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

"Yes, yes I do. You must be the man from America right?"

"Hm? Oh. Yes that's me. I'm really glad there's someone who speaks English here. To be honest I know no polish as of now.I just got here." He said nervously.

"Polish is a hard language to learn for someone who's not a native. Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll learn it eventually." You smiled kindly and took care of his groceries. "I'm Y/N by the way."

"I'm... Henryk." He said although by the look on his face you could tell he wasn't really telling the truth. You didn't mind. It was none of your buisness why he didn't.

"Pretty name. Polish too." You noticed and calculated the money he owed. "That would be... 25 złotych."(That is curently 6.30 US dollars if anyone's interested.)

He took out his wallet and gave you the money. "Well then Y/N, expect me to be a frequent customer. See you later."

"Goodbye Henryk."He winked at you and left with a smirk on his face. You followed him with your gaze, blushing a bit. You sighed and turned away to see at least 5 elder women look at you with sheer shock plastered on their faces. You giggled and started helping the next person in line.


Henryk surely didn't lie. Almost everyday he would visit you at the shop whether it was to buy something, ask you to help him with something he didn't yet understand or just to talk, he was there. You grew quite fond of him. He was always nice to you and it was good to have someone else to talk to other than the usuals.

As the time progressed you learned more and more about him. For example you now knew that he was actually German but most of his life he spent in America after the war and you also learned he began to work at a steel mill not far away.

But you also sometimes met outside of your shop.

You were taking care of the flowers in your garden when you saw him walk down the road and you decided to say hi.

"Henryk!" He stopped, looked at you and smiled.

"Hello Y/N!" You ran up to him.

"Hi. How are you doing?" You asked wiping the dirt off of your hands.

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