(requested) 11th doctor /SMUT\- Not so innocent after all

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Type: Character x reader

View: second person

Main characters: 11th Doctor/ Doctor who

Warnings: smuuuut SO MUCH SMUUUUT, if you wanna get into details then oral both male and female receiving and just sum basic shit every smut has

Summary: Amy and Rory went out for a date and you as well as the Doctor promised not to wander off... So you're stuck. In the Tardis. ALONE. (This is happening somewhat season 5 so before all the fucking mayhem of s6 and 7) (and yes this was a request! FROM A MONTH AGO I AM SO SORRY BUT IT'S FINALLY UP AND READY! 😆 PLEASE DON'T KILL MEEEE)


"Oh, Doctor. You know we can't." You rolled your eyes passing by.

"Whyyy? Rory and Amy left...They won't even know." The Doctor groaned and followed you with his stare.

"That doesn't change anything. We had an agreement." You sat next to him. "I made you tea." He took the cup from you.

"But I'm bored Y/N! One little trip. That's all."

"Doctor, the plan was that we drop Amy and Rory in Paris for a little, you know, alone time and we chill out here. No voyages, no trips, no ALIENS." You took a sip of the tea before putting down your cup. "Besides, I think you could use some relaxing." You nudged him in the arm.

"I don't need relaxing Y/N." He groaned again. "I feel so useless!" You giggled and stood up. You walked to the behind of the couch and leant down to the Doctor's ear.

"You regularly risk your life to protect the world. I insist, Doctor that we stay here today." You gently put your hands on his shoulders and started massaging him there. "Oh my god. I have never seen a person so stiff! Do you EVER take a day off?" You giggled again, pressing your thumbs into his back.

"Okay, well. What are we supposed to do then?" He asked changing the subject

"What are we supposed to do? Hmmm... Let's think." You put a finger under your chin, pretending to be deep in thought. Then, an idea sparked inside you. It was something you always secretly wanted, craved even. If you manage to work it through it would be your greatest achievement. "Well, we're here... Alone." You jumped over the headrest and on the couch next to Doctor startling him. "Whoops! Sorry!" You smiled cheekily. "And since we're here... ALONE, we can do whatever we want, right? Doctor?" You asked, adding extra effort to his name.

"I... I don't think I understand what you mean Y/N." You looked at him with half lidded eyes.

"Oh? Are you sure?" You took the cup of tea he was still holding in his hands away and placed it on the small coffee table in front of you. You tried to be as seductive as it is only possible, amid climbing on top of the Doctor's lap.

"What are you, DOING Y/N?!" He started panicking. You just gently shushed him with your finger on his lips and a gentle buck of your hips against his making him almost choke on air

"Shuuuush Doctor..." You could see a faint blush appear on his cheek "Tell me, do you have a fantasy?" You looked into his eyes with a sly smile.

"F-fantasy? What do you mean?"

"Oh, you know... Sexual fantasy...A kink or something dirty you want to do. Something that turns you on..?"

"I, don't think I have something like that. I'm sorry." You giggled.

"Are you a virgin, Doctor? Well you did not tell me that!"

"Whaaa- Um, I mean- I must've not been a- well that, in a different body but this one is not quite... Experienced."

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