Loki - The cold never bothered him anyway...

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Type: character x reader

View: second person

Main character: Loki Laufeyson

Warnings: fluffy fluff

Summary: Loki is cute :3 (And mischievious mwahahhah...)

It was a chilly evening in Asgard and you were riding your horse down the rainbow bride coming back from Midgard. You walked the horse back to the stable and returned to the palace. You greeted Odin and run upstairs to your room only to be surprised by the figure of a man laying on your bed. You walked towards it slowly only to notice it was your dear friend Loki sleeping peacefully.
"You asleep prince?" You joked.

No answer.

"Oh goddamnit Loki you fat ass took the whole bed. I'm cold!" You pushed him to the side of the bed.You sneered at the grumpy hum he gave you and decided to take a shower and then proceed to go to sleep. And hopefully that fat ass will be up.You walked to the bathroom and took a shower. You changed into a loose brown tunic you used as pajamas and washed your teeth.

You peeked outside to see if he's up.


"Damn." You went inside and turned off the light.

It was freezing, you were tired... Might as well go to sleep.

You snuggled under the covers and smiled at the warmth of Loki's body.


You tried really hard but couldn't seem to fall asleep. Instead you just stared at the ceiling and wondered how in Odin's name Loki isn't freezing?!

But then... He is a jotun afterall...

Suddenly you felt movement in the bed. Loki yawned and stretched.

"About damn time.."

"Oh. Hello Y/N."

"May I ask you what the hell are you doing in my bed?"

" I was going to welcome you when you come back but I fell asleep."

" Well cool then I suppose you can leave now?"

"But your bed is so comfortable..." You punched his arm playfully

"Get out." Loki groaned and stood up from the bed.

Suddenly it became freezing cold. Loki stood by the door.

"Goodnight Y/N." He was about to leave.

"Wait. Do you..."


"Do you mind coming back?" You tried to keep warm.

"What do you mean?" He raised one eyebrow.

"It's reaaally cold for some reason, do you mind coming back to keep me company and warmth?" He smiled a bit.

"Sure." He started stripping down which made you uncomfortable.

"Loki what are you doing?"

"Taking off the armor of course. It's actually not comfortable to sleep in you know." You rolled your eyes and moved to the wall.Once Loki was left in a shirt and pants he climbed under the covers. Still it was just to cold. You moved closer to your prince friend shyly but it didn't help much. You just gave up and just as you got so close to Loki's chest you almost touched, you felt overwhelming warmth.

"Wait... What the hell..." You touched Loki's chest with your palm and it almost burned you. "Why... Loki what did you do?!" He smiled mischievous.


"Nothing?! Wha- You're flaming hot!"

"Why thank you you're not bad yourself."

"No- LOKI! Tell me what did you do to the weather!"

"It's not temporary..."

"You... Asscrack!" You punched his arm. "Change it, and get out."

"I can't do that."


"It'll be like that until 1 PM tomorrow. And I... Am the only heat source in this realm." You huffed.

"Well then I guess I'd just go to Midgard for now..." You started standing up but Loki pushed you back down.

"You aren't."

"I am, let me go. I'll stay at Steve's place." Loki's legs ghosted against yours and he climbed on top of you." Loki!- S-Don't!" You groaned as his raven hair tickled your cheeks his hot breath on your neck.

"Don't go. I'm always so afraid when you leave to another realm." Your eyes widened as you inhaled sharply.

Is he- confessing to you?!

"Loki- what are you trying to say?" You tried acting confident but in reality your throat was occupied by a lump too big to swallow.

"Please don't leave me alone again. I did all this for you so you'll want to stay with me. I don't want to be without you ever again. Please let me." He sounded desperate. You could see his eyes were glassy.

"Loki. I never knew you'd feel that way about me!" You hugged him from below. "I am so sorry I was so blind!" You'd lie if you said you didn't have a crush on him too... He nuzzled his face into your neck. You didn't want to let go from him. Not because he was the only warm thing in Asgard, but because he felt so calm next to you. You heard his heart beat fast but it was nothing compared to your own. Loki slowly sat up and pulled you up to join him. You straddled his lap while he held you close by your waist.

"Please let me kiss you Y/N." He pleaded looking up at you. You smirked a little bit and pulled him in. Loki's lips felt so soft and sweet against yours you fell in love with them and deepened the kiss biting his lip ever so slightly. Loki's tongue flicked over your lip and pushed it into your mouth. It was incredibly hot like you just took a sip of hot water. You held back a moan as his tongue pushed softly against yours. After a moment you had to pull away for air. You gently put your forehead on his. "So... Do you want to make this a thing?" Loki asked catching his breath.

"Absolutely yes."

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