Wolverine x reader SMUT

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Smutty smut smut~


"And don't forget your homework for tommorow!" You said before your students left the classroom. You hummed in delight. Man... You really liked those kids.

"Doesn't it ever tire you?" A low male voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You looked up and your eyes lit up.

"I'm sorry?" You smiled and gazed at the tall bearded man leaning against the door frame.

"The kids. Doesn't it get boring and just a mandatory after a while? I mean, I've been a substitute for a week now and I can't deal with them." He said with a smirk.

"Ah... Not really, no. I mean... I always wanted to be a teacher so I'm pretty much living the dream right now. I don't think we met. My name's Y/N." You approached him and stretched your arm. He shook, or rather gently squeezed it.

"Logan." He said with a smile and let go of your palm.

"Oh, I know who you are. Professor Xavier told me quite a lot about you." You said with a cheeky smirk.

"Xavier told you something about me?" He raised one eyebrow and folded his arms. "Like what?"

"Well for instance.... Not to get too close to you. Cause you're a, and I quote 'Dick'." You grabbed your stuff from the desk. "Well Logan, I must go now. If you ever want to chat I'm either here, in the lounge or the teacher's room. Let's see if professor was right about you." You winked and left him alone, startled and confused.

"Dick huh? That sounds like Charles..." He muttered to himself and retreated as well.


You were standing in the teacher's lounge humming some song and making yourself coffee in the machine when you heard a light knock on the door. Thinking it was one of the students you walked over to the door and opened it. "Ye- Oh!" You almost bumped into Logan. "Hi. You know you don't have to knock to enter right? Only the pupils have to." You moved to the side so he could enter.

"Yeah, I know I was gonna enter by myself but you were faster." He smiled and sat by the table. You observed him as he pulled a cigar out of his pocket and lit it up. He put it in his mouth and turned his gaze to you.

"You know you shouldn't be smoking in the school building right?" You smirked.

"Maybe." You rolled your eyes with a chuckle and turned back around to make yourself that coffee.

"Would you like a latte?" You asked.

"I'm not really a big coffee drinker." He stood up and walked over to the fridge. He pulled out a dr pepper and popped it open. "This'll do." You grinned and took out your beverage. "You know I never asked you..." He let out a cloud of smoke. You thought you'd hate the smell but actually it was kind of pleasant. "What exactly do you teach?"

"History. Everything about what we are, why we are and when did we become what we are. You would think that it'd be tedious but it's so fascinating. I learn so much too. Some things I never even knew about. Like, did you know that apparently Jesus might have actually been a mutant? Some people think that that's why he could change water into wine and all that. People thought it was miracles but in fact it was his powers. Isn't that amazing?" Logan watched your face in awe as you rambled on and on about this kind of things. Just the sheer passion in your voice and the smile on your facade amazed him. You weren't anything out of the ordinary. You were just a woman but within you, there was just so much... Love. For everything. He felt like this is the kind of people he needed more of in his life.

You didn't even realize how much time you spend, talking to Logan until you took a sip of your drink and noticed it was cold. You blushed in embarassment. "Oh lord, I did it again."

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