Thranduil - Sinomë

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Type: character x reader

View: third person

Main character: Thranduil/elvenking - the Hobbit movies

Warnings: general sadness, character death (although not described), (also breast feeding if it's an issue)

Summary: The queen is dead, the king is broken, little Legolas is clueless but you are most determined to help them as much as you can.


For as long as you could remember you served the queen so naturally you were one of the first people to be informed about her death.

You helped the king as much as you could cautious not to cross the line.

But you were also a lonely mother of a beautiful 2 months old girl/boy named (name). She/He was around the same age as the king's son- prince Legolas.


You were awoken in the middle of the night by a fellow maiden- Evangeline who claimed that the king needed you immediately and that she will take care of (name). Naturally you agreed, quickly put on a robe and rushed to the elven- king's chambers.

You found him sobbing quietly holding his crying son in his arms.

"My king..." You gasped quietly rushing over to him.

"He- he's not stopping. I tried everything. I think he's hungry. But I have nothing to give him." He continued sobbing. You felt a tear roll down your cheek. You noticed how broken the king was without his wife. His eyes were glassy with tears as he rocked back and forth.

"I understand." You said gently placing a hand on Thranduil's shoulder. He turned his head to look at you. "If you may, your majesty." You opened your arms.

"Y-you'll do it?" He asked with hope. You nodded gently taking Legolas from him and smiling lightly. You removed the robe just enough for one of your breasts to stick out. Thranduil watched you with a smile through tears. His hair was a mess and one of his shoulders was sticking out. His lips were swollen from all the nervous biting.

Legolas slowly calmed down and drifted of to slumber still drinking your milk. When he was done you gently moved him away rocking back and forth to keep him asleep. You stood up from the bed you sat on and placed the young elfling in his cradle. You fixed your robe and turned around to see Thranduil kneeling on the floor with tears streaming down his face. You quickly jogged towards him and kneeled next to him gently cupping his cheek. " My lord..." He looked at you sadly.

"What am I going to do? Y/N? I can't raise Legolas alone... I don't know how..." He leant into your palm.

" My lord please don't cry... I will help you with anything you need."

"I can't ask you to raise my child... You are a mother yourself..."

"My lord, Legolas needs attention more than anything right now. If you allow me, I'll make sure he'll be healthy and happy ." You said looking into his eyes. "I'm saying this as a mother now. In a month or so he will be able to eat different things and won't need so much care but this will take a while." Thranduil bit on his lip hard, sobbing.

"And your child?"

"I have enough love and time for both."

"Y/N I..."

"Don't say anything my lord. You should get some rest. It is late. I shall too, return to my chamber. I understand you miss your wife, I miss her too but you must remain strong. For your son. For her." Thranduil listened quietly swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Okay... Can I... Embrace you?" He asked looking down. You smiled softly and nodded. The king buried his face in your chest wrapping his arms around your back. You gently petted his head holding him close. You waited for him to calm down.

Thranduil pulled away sobbing. "I think I will be alright. You can return to your child now. I am sorry to keep you for so long." He said standing up and fixing his clothes.

"It's okay. I will see you in the morning my lord." She said bowing and slowly turning back to the door. She glanced one last time at the king gently humming an elvish lullaby to his son bending down to touch him.

hön'marën kena-uva kala
indönya ullumeá
nör'ande sëra mi lorien
îm'eri ratö naya

larya nîn mëlissè
le sinte îma sinomë
ána sama lemî oloorë
le ar'uunèr ana kaurë

uur'anor wannëa
isilme va'arya
telume siila tere
na'are utumno wanya
erüma, helkàda

raanè ressè
lörna à'kuilä
Vàrna mi'olör
türma ei ràumo


------- Extended ending ---------

/Legolas's POV\



"What is your mommy and ada doing?"

"I don't know, but it looks disgusting."

"They look like they're sucking eachother's faces."

"They look like two seals."

"Hey, look what a cool rock!"

"Oh, yeah. Let's play with it!"


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