Quicksilver x reader

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Based off of this prompt ^^^^

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Based off of this prompt ^^^^

Yet another X-men one. Watchu gonna do? Anyway... No warnings needed etc etc nobody reads this anyways here have a Peter 😉

"Will you join me? Y/N?"


*month ago*

"And that I stole from the fun fair" Peter said pointing at some teddy bear in the corner of the room. You giggled and hugged onto his side on the bed you were laying on.

"I can't believe I'm sitting here, listening to you tell me about all the shit you stole." You played with his grey locks.

"I wouldn't tell you if I didn't trust you."

"That I wouldn't go with this to the police?"

"Yup." He popped the 'p'. Peter was looking up at the celing with his arms resting underneath his head and you laying by his side.

"And what makes you so sure?" You asked and sat up.

"Well... You're my beautiful, awesome, loving girlfriend and you would never do anything to put me in trouble of hurt me, right?" He raised one eyebrow, turning his gaze to you.

"Hmmmm... Yeah something around those lines." You smirked and leant down to kiss him. He kissed you back, biting your lip. You squealed and pulled away.

"Doooooon't!" You giggled and punched his arm lightly. He sat up next to you.

"Can I kiss you again?" He asked with a smirk, looking into your eyes and waiting for an anwser.

"Well... Yeah? I guess." You leaned in and so did he. Peter connected your lips together, way more gentle and loving this time but he stopped again after a few seconds.

"And again?" He didn't wait for an answer this time and then stopped again. "And again..." He slowly moved you into a laying position where he was above you, pinning you down. You dug your hands into his hair, taking a fist full of it and tugging gently.

You pulled away suddenly.

"Wait." You sat up.

"Wh- Is something wrong?" He looked at you slightly confused with those pretty puppy dog eyes.

"Shit, what hour is it?" He looked at his watch.

"It's... 4:30 but why do you ask?" Your eyes widened. You noticed a tint of a smirk form on his lips.

"Oh youuuuu. You... Asshole." You got off of his bed.

"Heeey, c'mooon Y/N." He pouted and patted the bed. "Come back~ I already miss you."

"No! Peter- I told you I was supposed to meet with Xavier at 3! This was important damn it!" You started putting on your shoes. Peter rolled his eyes.

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