Charles Xavier x reader

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"Y/N, could you please come to my office for a second?" You heard Charles's voice ring in your head.

"What is it Charles? Can't you tell me now?" You asked turning pages in the book you were reading.

"I would prefer you coming here darlin'. It's important." You sighed and put the book down.

"Alright professor. I'm coming."

"Thank you dear." You walked up the stairs of the busy school. It was filled with children of all ages. From afar you could see Hank desperately trying to rush some of them into a classroom but that didn't seem to work very well. You giggled and walked down the corridor to the professor's office. You knocked twice and entered the room.

"Hello Charles."

"Hello Y/N." He stretched in his chair.

"You wanted me to come here?" You closed the door to his office and sat down in the chair in front of the one he was sitting in.

"Yes I did. I got invited to a... Banquet of some sorts. Well... Its more of a presentation than a banquet really and I was asked to make a statement there concerning mutants and their role in the modern world."

"Okay, so?"

"So... The event requires a +1 and I'd like to ask if maybe by any chance you would like to come with me?" He asked with hope in his eyes. You were a bit shocked, you admit.

"+1? Why me? Why not ask Raven or somebody else?"

"Why not you? I think you'll do great."You chuckled.

"You really think that?"

"Of course." He smiled kindly.

"But like... With Raven you could show off her powers and all that stuff and me? What am I supposed to do there? My powers aren't that great." Charles stood up and 'tsk'ed'. He walked over to you.

"First of all. I'm not going there to show off anyone, that's completely not why I'm going there. Second of all.... Your powers aren't that great? Y/N. You have the power to heal. Not only yourself but those around you. That's an amazing gift and don't you ever compare or belittle yourself again." He petted your shoulder.

"Thanks... So uh... When's the... Event?" You asked.




You exited the car alongside Charles, looking quite posh. You had a beautiful (color) gown on, borrowed from Raven. Charles had a nice suit on that made him look dapper as shit. To be honest... You felt intimidated by him. He looked so amazing and was so confident and there was you... A healer with anxiety issues.

"Stop it." You heard in your head. You looked to your side at Charles. He wasn't talking. He was just smiling at the people surrounding you two. He didn't look worried or anything but the tone of his voice and the way he talked to you telepathically suggested otherwise. He squeezed your palm harder with his own. "You look beautiful." You heard him speak again.

"Thank you." You whispered to no one in particular.

"Smile darling." He led you into the mansion.

There were.... Lots... Of people there. All looked like they owned at least one yacht. Women dressed in dresses you could only wish to one day be able to afford and men, so ridiculously perfect it was almost illegal.

"Charles... You whispered into his ear.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"I... I don't think I fit in here... Can we go?"

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