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» An empty day, though clear & bright,

Is just as dark as any night «

Anne Frank


Recently, I've realized something. It hadn't come to mind when the idea originally developed, and I was just really in a hurry to release it because I thought, why not? Generally, in literature, there aren't a majority of books from what I've seen that are about depression, books that entirely base off of a person's raw emotions, and I wanted to share something that would equally cover the thoughts and emotions of a character in a way that showed complexity that arises in our psychology. And, after a significant amount of updates on this, I realized that, not everyone would meet eye to eye. It's not possible for me to deliver a message about what my intentions are of writing this, and it's natural that part of my audience will take it with negativity.
But, the reason why I'm writing this is because I want readers to know that writing about someone's raw emotions shouldn't be seen with apathy. In this modern, social world there are always people who feel deprived, lonely and not up to society's standards, which I'm sure everyone knows about. And that is why, as a way of release, I'm embarking on this journey of writing about a character's untethered feelings. Emotions that are seen to be triggering or harmful to further promote depression.

Now, I'm not saying that I have gone through such emotional turmoil that it drove me to spread the feelings I feel, no, it's not that. My sole purpose for writing this is for spreading awareness that literature can be diverse, and should be. It shouldn't just be about all stereotypical things and characters. There are far more emotions that we feel throughout our lives, and I feel that it needs to be expressed through books as well, so that we can connect. Connection is something that is needed, let it be through music, entertainment or socially. Connecting is our basic way of communicating, to let someone know how we feel and I believe that any form of expression isn't bad. Why take depression in a negative way? Why let it trigger you to do worse for yourself? There's always a time in our lives when we feel we're not worth it, but that doesn't mean sharing the emotions from those times is bad. We all need release, and by reading about a person's internal feelings should let everyone feel connected and not alone.

Furthermore, it helps us to better understand someone's psychology. Through poetry, literature, music or anything in general, if there's a problem, we need to let it out and let others reach in and offer comfort and connection. This is why Delirium has been embarked upon to promote diversity and release. That's all. I don't want to let others be affected by this. I want others to realize that nobody is alone in this world, no matter what, there's always someone who feels the same. We're all human, and connection is the first thing we can offer to others for relief.

Delirium is nothing more than what feelings are. So, I really hope nobody will be offended by this. Again, this hasn't been written to promote depression. It's been written to promote the feeling of not being left out. We all matter.

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