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I sat in the stalled car in the small cramped carpark in utter shock. Their is actually somebody living inside of me! Mason was staring straight a head at a worn out fence, I turned to face him. His skin was so pale and clammy, his eyes went from bright green to grey, and his hands were shaking on the steering wheel. He was a mess.

I lent in and placed my hand onto his shoulder, struggling to be reassuring.

"I.... I-uh...I'm... I'm g-g-g-going to be a d-d-dad" was all Mason could muster. I nodded, eyes wide. Theirs no way his backing out is he?

Mason turned to face me, and he could read the fear in my eyes. He lent in and pressed his lips against my stomach, a smile hitting his lips.

"I'm a dad!" He giggled, happily to my abdomen. My body relaxed from its tense state as we drove home.

"So when are we telling our parents?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know maybe we should scope them out tonight?"Mason responded. I nodded in agreement and when we walked into the house my parents greeted us in a relaxed fashion. Lately they've become use to Mason again. We went upstairs to study before being called down to dinner.

I sat next to Mason at the small dinning table, staring down at the plate of goop my mother tried to pass off as pasta. although it held no resemblence to pasta, but soup, it tasted amazing and my face lit up at the warmth the food brought, slithering down my throat. Mason could only laugh at my mothers attempt, which earnt a kick under the table and a teethy grin from myself. my brother stormed down the stairs in a rage, ready to attack anyone who gets in his way. we ate in silence before my mother finally spoke up.

"so micheal why are you in a huff?" my mother asked humourosly. although my brothers face showed my signs of letting up. through gritted teeth my brother spat "katie" and turned back to his meal. and then disaster struck. Mason asked the stupidest question he could possibly have asked at this time, or ever.

"who's katie?"

wonderful. simply wonderful. my brothers face turned into the colour of a tomato. his fist hits the table so hard i held my plate down. my family was use to the outburst and acted as if it were a part of our dayly lives. Masons eyes buldged out of his head as he watched.

"Katie is my lying, cheating, scum of a girlfriend who got knocked up by my 'best friend' Jason" my brother spat. That I was not expecting, maybe it's a baby boom?

My brother relaxed and apologised to Mason before returning to his meal. My mother is always the one to break the silence.

"We'll I'm just glad I've raised two responsible children who know sex is not a game and is consensual and loving. I couldn't Imagine how I would feel if either of you had a baby."

That cut me pretty deep. Mason grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze under the table. I nodded and smiled at my mother trying to be convincing.

After dinner Mason and I retreated to my room where my panic overtook.

"Oh my god! Mason I can't tell her! She will kill me! What are we going to do?! We're going to have to go far away and never come back!" I screamed before collapsing onto my bed in an over dramatic fashion. Mason turned on his heals to look at me.

"What did you just say?" He spoke miraculously.

"Mums going to kill me?"

I asked questionative

"No before that! Run away?" He exclaimed rather loudly.

"Mason I was joking!" I was shocked that this was even an idea!

"I'm not! I have enough money to set us up! We can get jobs and finish school and raise the baby!" He exclaimed.

"And best of all mitchel will never know!"

I knew it was crazy but I actually considered it. I mean, if we could find a house and get jobs, it might be a good idea.

"Are you serious?" I investigated, searching for doubt on his face, their was none.

"Let's get out of here"


Heyy all my loyal readers! Now were really getting into it! The whole point of the story is to build up as many secrets as I could, but I always knew this would be the direction we would go! Do excited to start writing about the baby! Please comment any suggestions on names, genders or even the story line! Where should they run away to?

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