the results

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heyy readers! i know its so boring right now but it will get better i promise!!! this is just the background stuff but i have massive plans :) sorry its taking so long to get into it bt im writing every day to keep my updates high and to make sure you have something to read :) thankyou for reading my story!


2 months later:

my stomach turned, i became clammy, i ran out of the corridor, out of the buiding, and into the garden where my breakfast made an  encore. i was so ill i desided just to go home. as i got into my car i saw mitchel playing sport on the football feild, he was such a good sportsman, and it showed in his body, he was vey muscly and i know his body way too well to know how sporty mitchel realy is. wait, mitchel and i did have sex... and im feeling ill and my periods been late for a while now. my stomach turned again. this can not be happening!

i ran to my car and drove straight to the chemest. i paced down the isles looking for the pregnancy tests, when i got there their were to many options so i took one of each to be sure. i made my way to the counter and got very weird stares from everyone in the store, and i expected that. im 17 for god sakes! i dont want this! i made my purchus and went home, my parents were at work so it was the perfect time to take the test. i opened the packaging and took the test. i set the test on the bench, 3 long muinites would have to pass. i slid down my bathroom wall and curled up into a ball. i dont want a baby, and i espeially dont want mitchels baby! their was nothing wrong with him but his jaimees crush! and i dont want to be with him and a baby would attatch me to him! I sobbed quietly hoping this was just a close call.

three minutes pass and i stand up to look at the test. two little lines, two life determining lines. im pregnant!i cant believe im pregnant! how!.... well i know how! but this cant happen. i clenched my stomach and hoped to God my parents wouldnt kill me!

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