moving day

18 1 0

Charlie squirmed in masons hold. she was crying and he couldnt calm her down. I finished feeding Max and layed him into the basonette. i took Charlie into my arms, rocking her.

" i think you gave birth to the devil" mason groaned, jumping onto the bed. i rocked her back and forth, soothing her to sleep.

"can you finish dropping off the new baby stuff at the house we need to move in by tonight" Mason rolled off the bed. i stuied him. he looked aged, older. did i look older too? i waited for him to leave before i walked over to the full length mirror. i was a few lbs over the size i was before i was pregnant, all the bouncing and walking had made me drop a few. my skin was clear but had lost its colour. deep purple bags grew under my eyes and my bright eyes were grey and dull. i was a mother, before i was a teenager. i had aged 5 years in the blnk of an eye.

"sweetheart i couldnt hear any crying anymore did you throw charlie out the window?" my mother walked in with a pile of clothes. i gave a chuckle

"no shes asleep again" i turned to my mom. "do you think im old?"

"ofcoarse youre old sweetheart, look at you, your 18 and you have two babies, your lucky your only old" i gave a tiny smirk. 

"im so proud of you maddison, your handling this so well, and you have two beautiful little babies, youre not old, youre wise" my eyes watered and i walked into my mom, allowing her to hold me. i gripped charlie close and thought of how amazing it was. three generations of andrews women, holding eachother through their tears. i pulled away and thanked her. i tried to put charlie onto the bed. i took max out of his basonette and placed him next to his sister. i folded up the basonettes and brought them down stairs. i heard the car pull up.

"oh honey im home!" mason called out. i ran up to him and kissed him deeply, needing some affection. i left him to put the basonettes in the car and i ran upstairs to get the babies. i put them in the car and said goodbye to my parents. we drove to the new rental house. i had only been their once when i was younger, but now, looking at it as a home, i can see why i loved it. it had white wooden pannelings and a grey shingled roof. Mason puled out the basonettes and brought them inside, i folowed behind with the babies, charlie struggled a bit, nothing was calming this baby down! 

i entered the house, the loungeroom was bare, to the left was a hall with the bedrooms and bathroom. straight ahead was the kitchen and dining room and the exit to the back yard. i followed mason to the bedroom where two cribs, a change table and a rocking chair was set up. 

" i wanted to show you the babies bedroom, i thought they can move in here in a few months and then we can seperate them into seperate bedrooms when their older" he was so cute. i folowed him again to our room where he set up the basonettes. i put them in and moved them into the cornerto make room for the bed when it gets delivered. until then we were sleeping on the floor. we took a tour of the small house before we got hungry. 

"im going up to the store to get some groceries" mason yelled out "do you need anything?" i was on the floor reading babie books for charlie.

"um i need some dippers, drive careful" i yelled out. i looked up and masons face was pale and lost. i felt the earge to tell him something but my voice held back by a force much stronger than me. he walked out and the car started. i layed back on the blancket and continued to read until i fell asleep. 

i woke up to the sound of crying and a phone call. i answered the phone on my way to the babies.


"hello, is this maddison Andrews?"

"yes it is whos this?" 

"this is audrey from st pauls hospital, we have Mason Kennedy in hear do you know him?" my feet stopped, the babies cries stopped and i couldnt breath

"ye- yes, is he okay" she swallowed on the other end

"i think you should come here quickly" oh god. the phone cut and i couldnt even cry. i just couldnt move, but he needed me. i put the stroller in the car and packed the babies into the car seats. i drove through the tears and pulled into the hospital. i put the babies into the stroller and ran into emergancy. i went to the counter and huffed out

"Mason Kenedy, im his Fiance" the women looked down

"his in sergery at the moment."

"what happened?" i wipped away tears

"their was an accident. his car was hit by an over fatigued truck driver, his going to be okay but Mr kenedy is in a critical condition, we dont know yet" she placed a hand over mine and tried to comfort me. i looked away, my tears falling harder. i gave her a nod and swipped away my tears before taking a seat in the waiting room. i called my mom and Masons family. the babies didnt even stir, its like they knew. i held Max in my arms, close to me for comfort. the nurse came over to me every so often. she would say anything to get a glance from me. she would compliment the babies or tell me no news has come out yet, and sometimes she would just rest a hand on my shoulder. my family came and sat next to me, mom stroking my hair and dad rolling charle back and forth. Masons family showed up and i couldnt look at them, it was my fault. i looked at his mom finally and she ran over and held me. 

"his going to be okay" she spoke to me, but honestly i think she was reasurring herself. i nodded to go along with the half truths we told. honestly we didnt even know if he would be okay. i held her hand and bounced my baby boy in my arm. the love of my life was hanging by a thread and i couldnt do anything about it, i just had to wait.

the sergion walked around the corner and looked at all of us.

"Ms Andrews?" i nodded. his eyes met mine, then glanced at Max and Charlie. i handed him to Masons mom and followed around the corner. 

"how is he?" myeyes watered. i stared into the doctors Hazel eyes, i had never met him before in my life, but suddenly he held the fate of my family, my life.

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