the nursery

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i was 6 months pregnant and the size of a whale. my feet hurt, my ass hurt, everything hurt. Mason hasnt been acting like himself, his scared to even hold my hand incase the babies dont get enough blood flow. its the worst timing too, im more attracted to him than ever and he's sleeping on the couch. i waddled over to the kitchen, calling out to mason.

"do you want something to eat?" i rumaged through the fridge, looking for something i couldnt really put my finger on.

"what are you craving this time?" mason was standing in the doorway, rolling his eyes but smiling lightly. 

"i dont really know" i admitted, walking towards him. he lead me to the couch barly placing his hands on any part of my body.

"i know exactly what you want" he exclaimed before ducking into the kitchen. Mason knew that he could bring out the weirdest combinations and i would eat it and crave it, and he used it to his advantage. mason brought out a plate of food, which ofcoarse i craved.

"peanutbutter and pickles in between two slices of pizza" he smiled his stupid grin as i ate.

"i dont even like pickles why am i crazing it!" i yelled between bites. masons hand lightly hovered over my stomach, and i rolled my eyes.

"just touch it, theyve been kicking every time your next to me" i knew that would get him, his wanted to feel them kick for so long. fnally he caved and touched my stomache lightly cupping my curve.  straight away a kick escaped from B1.we started calling them B1 and B2 as a joke since we dont know their genders or names. masons face lit up.

"i think B1 likes you better than me" i joked, my child allready hated me.

"is it hard?" mason asked looking remourcful

"is what hard?"

"being pregnant" his hand never left my stomach

"sometimes. i mean the babies arent identical so their completely different. like, B1 is allways kicking, i think its a boy because i never get a break , its always moving, and B2 is quiet, i dont even know what it is, it loves sleeping and rocking, if i want to go to bed at night i have to sway for a bit to put it to sleep. i can see B2 being exactly like me, and B1 being a clone of mitchel. i love being pregnant but i cant wait to hold them and watch them grow up. but its hard because i miss mymom and my family, and my friends. i also worry that they will find out your not their real dad, i guess its just crazy thoughts" i admittled, i felt so happy finally talking about them, masons been so distant lately.

"im scared i wont be a good dad" mason rested his head on my tummy and i stroked his hair.

"can you feel B1 kicking?" i asked. Mason nodded.

"B1 loves you, it kicks so fast when your around, it knows your voice, your footsteps, it knows you love it more than anything" i comforted

"but what if love isnt enough?" mason was becoming inconsolable 

"when you hold them in your arms youll know if its enough, trust me" mason seemed comforted my my attempts.

mason and i deside to finish the nursery, we needed to construct the extra crib and go baby shopping to get some essentials. after a good hour of fighting over what peice fit where, the crib was fit to carry maons weight. no litteraly we tested it, i think ive got my couch back.

we got into our new mini van, it took a lot of coaxing but i finally convinced him to hand in the 'demolisher' yes thats what he called his truck. i no and i love this guy. we broght a minivan a month ago, the baby seats are already installed, the doctor said we should do it straight away because of my age, medical and multiple births, i could go into labor at any time in the next three months. actually, the doctors guarenteeing it. we walked into the store and looked around. it was massive, i was in heaven, and mason was in hell. i dragged him straight to the baby clothes. we needed six outfits  for each gender. we grabbed 4 pink onesies 4 blue onesies, two dresses, one pink with lace and one in white. for the boys we got a cute pair of pants and vest with a shirt to go underneith and a cute panda onesie. 

we went to get dipers and a few more essentials,mason even brought two stuffed animals, he brought B1 a plush soccor ball aswell to kick around when it gets out. we went to the cash registers and loaded up the car to drive home. 

we walked along the corridor, and suddenly, B2 started to kick!

"Mason stop! B2 is kicking!" i exclaimed. masons hands raced for my stomach and felt the miniture kick, but it was fast, andit made me worry. we walked to our door ant their, sitting infront of the door, our worst nightmare. Mitchel.

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