Cheers to us

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I smelled ham and rice and opened my eyes to see the sun setting outside the windows.

"Ah you're up, dinner is almost ready, do you mind setting the table?" Soul smiled from the kitchen, I nodded and stretched before I started taking out the cheap plastic plates we bought earlier along with the silverware.

"How'd you sleep? You were out for about two hours at least." Soul didn't look up from the pan.

"Eh, it wasn't that good." I said yawning.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at me this time. I leaned on the table and smiled at him.

"It's nothing really, don't worry about it I just don't sleep well during the day." I smiled and finish setting the table. I grabbed two glasses and filled them with cranberry juice and handed one to soul.

"What's this for?" He asked.

"A toast, to our new home and new life." I said smiling, he smiled brightly.

"Cheers then, to our new life." We clinked the glasses and drank.

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