The Final Dance

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"We're finally ready to defeat that witch after a year." Soul said looking at the crisp dark sky.

"Blood, sweat and tears put into the training." I smiled. We walked slowly through the streets to get to our apartment.

"Wait its been a year since we got here right?" Soul asked stopping beside me.

"Yeah why?" I looked at him trying to depict what he was thinking.

"That means we've been together for a year," He smiled and picked me up, spinning me around once before putting me back down, "Oh Maka Albarn I love you." He kissed me under one of the street lights that towered over the sidewalk.

"No wonder we're so powerful." I laughed kissing him. We continued walking back hand in hand and listening to the band playing in a pub on the other side of the street.

"When we get back from the academy, I'm taking you to that pub right there okay?" Soul said laughing.

"Fine just don't get me drunk." I said leaning into him.

"That has never been my intension." He laughed.

"Soul did you spend any of the money that we got from our apartment back in Death City?" I asked.

"That was months ago when we got that, but no I didn't. Did you?" I shook my head.

"So before we leave for that one month's stay in Arizona, how bout I take you out for dinner." He said.

"You always take me out to dinner." I say with a smile as I turned the key on the first door and started walking up the stairs.

"This is going to be different okay? I want you to go out and find the best dress you can find and I'll bring you to the best five star restaurant in London and I'll pay for your and my dinner." He finish describing the date when we walked into the dark empty apartment.

"That would be lovely." I said taking my jacket off and turning the radio on. It was playing a song from the most memorable moment a few years ago.

"Remember this song, Maka?" He asked behind me. I smiled and nodded.

"It was the first song we danced to the night we had our first kiss." I laughed. He nodded and walked over to me.

"May I have your last dance?" He asked bowing down with his hand out for me.

"Of corse you can." I said. We slow danced to the piano in the soft glow of the lamp sitting by the couch.

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