A fight ._.

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A year has past since the Mews defeated Deep Blue...Also a year since the Cyniclons left.... For Zoey it was like her "regular year" -Going to school in the morning, Working at the Cafe in the evening. Also in between...always fighting a predasite. Though something was odd during her year...Mark has been well rude to her lately since they can barely see each other anymore, only when they have to fight but that's pretty much it. He always yells at her because she has to work so much and she doesn't have enough time with him.. 

(Well live in her shoes bruh!) (AND STOP BEING PICKY!)

Zoey tried her best to hide it from everyone...Hopefully she can keep it that way ._.


I was slowly walking down the sidewalk, heading to the Park so I can just relax for a bit...I kept my head low just for various reasons, but I don't want to explain right now.

"Eek!" I fell on my butt, (Aw man I bumped into someone without realizing v-v)

"S-Sorry I wasn't paying attention!" I whined.

"Zoey?" The voice said.

I looked up and my cheeks turn into a light shade of pink, though my heart wasn't pounding as much and my nervousness wasn't going all crazy like usual. I didn't even feel the need for my ears and tail to pop out...


He got up and held out his hand. I grabbed his hand gently and got up, 

"You okay?" Mark asked worryingly. I nodded. "Well I was going to the store to pick some stuff up, you remember why don't you?" He chuckled.

(Crap! Our date!)

"Yeah I remember! I was just going to the park for a bit, then I was going to head to the store later for groceries..." I lied, I was going to the park but not the store...

"Well maybe I-" As Mark was about to finish talking with Zoey a horn was beeping.

I looked to my right and there was my jerk for a boss Elliott...Bridget and Kiki were with him. Elliot rolled down his window and glared at Mark.

"Zoe, I know its your day off but we need you now!" He shouted.

"But..." My face lowered. "Come on Zoey!" He shouted again.

"I just wanted a break" I sighed. "Alright...Sorry Mark..". I started to walk up to the front seat of the car until I felt my arm being pulled back. "Mark!", "I have to go!".

"But Zoey! Come on, you always have to go to work!" He shouted furiously. He started to squeeze my arm tighter.."Stop! That h-hurts!" I whined.

"Mark.." Elliot said coldly.

"I don't care! Shes staying with me, AND BESIDES making her work like this! Shes still young! How about you give her a freaking break and you go do what you do!" Marks face turn completely red and steam was going through his ears. His grip got even tighter by the second.

"M-Mark! STOP! Your...hurting me!" I whined again. He completely ignored me.

"Mark, don't make it hard as it is, she needs to go now! Or do you want this to get ugly cause I ain't scared!" Elliot soon turned red and steam was blowing out of his ears.

"Fine bring it!" Mark yelled.

Elliot growled at Mark, then he looked at me with worried eyes. I stared back at him for a moment then back to Mark who soon tosses me on the ground, and I landed on my butt again!

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