Mark Why?

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I woke up and it was still dark out. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, "4:53" I muttered. I sighed and got out of bed. I grabbed my bag out of the closet and started to throw in clothes and important stuff I don't really need to talk about. Like toothbrushes and stuff like that.

I guess I should take a shower while i'm still up. I went into the bathroom and got undressed. "I cant believe how much I grown over a year..." I sighed. My hair was a bit longer and my body portioned more into a lady like look. Even though i'm 14 now.

I went into the shower and washed my hair and body.

(10 minutes later)

I got out of the shower and put on my bra, underwear, a nice purple top that I recently got, which had black laced ribbons outlining it. I put on a black skirt and then I tied my hair into pigtails, then added the red ribbons to make it cute.

I sighed once more and left the bathroom, throwing my dirty clothes in the hamper.

I walked downstairs and left a note saying,

Dear Mom and Dad,

I left a bit early because i'm going on a trip with my friends, and I don't know when i'll get back, but hopefully soon! I'll be fine don't worry about that...Well see you later!



After I got done writing the note, I placed it on the fridge and left.

I walked down the dark, lonely sidewalk and stared out in the sky. As I was enjoying my night alone, I heard multiple male voices behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw 3 teenage boys walking behind me. 

( that Mark?!), (IT IS HIM!)

I tried my best to ignore him and trying to stop the tears from leaving my eyelids. I felt my arm being tugged and I got pulled back. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" I shouted.

(Crap...I was almost there, almost at the cafe) I looked behind me and saw the tiny pink building peaking out through the trees.

"Where are you going so early in the morning?" He hissed.

"None of your business...And why do YOU even care?" I said coldly. Soon Mark gripped tighter on my wrist, (Crap it hurts...).

"Whats in the bag?" The boy on the left asked.

"Like I said none of your business!" I shouted.

"Oh really..." The one on the right said.

(Crap...If I don't leave soon Elliot is totally gonna be mad at me! I have to be there by 6!)

"What time is it?" I asked.

"6:05" The one on the right said.

"Crap!" I gritted my teeth.

Mark grabbed my other wrist and made me drop my bag. "OW! STOP!" I yelled, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Why are you doing this?!" Tears poured down my cheek.

"I hate you" He replied.

My eyes widened, I felt my wrists getting squeezed together, like they were going to break. I tried to kick him but the one on the right grabbed my leg, which made my skirt go up a bit....

(Crap hes hurting my ankle now to!)

"L-let go!" I shouted.

"Nope" The one on the left said.

I heard my bag make a click noise and I saw the boy on the right looking through my stuff. "PERV!"

"I know.." He smiled.

"Zoey!" I heard multiple voices yell to me. Mark tossed me to the ground and my arm slid on the concrete, making a big scratch going down my arm. I got up and went to the boy who was in my luggage. I glared down at him and kicked him in the face.

"Ergh!" I fell to the ground, (My ankle...Why is it numb?).

The girls ran up to me helping me pick up my luggage. Elliot walked up to Mark and punched him in the face. "Can you stand?" Renee asked.

I slowly got up and nodded. "My ankle and wrists just hurt pretty bad..." I muttered. They looked at my bruised wrists and ankle then to my big scratch on my arm, they started to huddle in a group. They walked to Elliot and soon he calmed down.

After his little rant, Mark and the other 2 boys all had bloody noses and bruised up faces. Elliot swung me up from my feet and carried me down the sidewalk married style. My cheeks turned tomato red and I felt the heat go all to my face. "I-I can walk...".

"No were going to bandage up your ankle" He said in a cold tone. That gave shivers down my spine...

Everyone followed us to the cafe. When we walked in Elliot placed me on the table and went searching for the med-kit.

"Wesley saw you getting beat up by a group of boys, so he quickly told us and Elliot to come and get you." Corina explained.

My face turned once pale again, I didn't think Mark would go that far...Hes always nice, this isn't like him. I took a long sigh and stared at my somewhat bruised up wrists and ankle, then to my scratched up arm.

"Well it doesn't matter now..*sniff* hes long gone so I don't care!" I shouted, a tear or two slowly went down my cheeks and onto my skirt.

Everyone looked at Zoey stunned, they were surprise shes acting somewhat tough on this.

I saw Elliot and Wesley come out of the room with a med-kit. 

"You okay Zoey?" Wesley asked worryingly. "You look like you were crying..." Elliot added on.

"I'm fine." I replied coldly.

They both sighed and started to put ointment on my bruises, then the scratch. After that they put the bandage on my ankle and a band-aid on my scratch.

"All done" Wesley said happily, "Well I better finish up packing!". Soon he left the room.

"The girls are driving with me, so you will be left with Zoey" Renee sighed. Elliot nodded, then everyone left the room and went outside to their car.

I sat there blankly, thinking why he went that far and hurt me like that...

"Lift your chin up idiot, stop acting so glum, come on lets go in the car and wait for Wesley" Elliot smiled. He held out his hand, then I grabbed it carefully and we walked out together to the car.

*Thump, th-thump, th-thump, th-thump*

I felt my heart being faster and harder by the second...(Why do I feel like this?)

As soon as we got to the car, he opened the door for me like a gentleman even though he never acts like it. (Why now?). Right when I said "Thank you", my ears and tail popped out, and everyone including Wesley noticed. I quickly covered my ears and tail and darted inside the car.

Elliot shook his head and started to laugh. I pouted, and turned away, not showing my red tomato cheeks.

"You really are an idiot strawberry" Elliot chuckled as he got in the car. I stuck out my tongue playfully and looked away.

(He always makes me happy no matter how stupid or rude he is) I thought.  

Soon Wesley got into the front seat of the car with his bags. "Ready?" Elliot asked.

Wesley nodded happily and soon we started to drive to our "vacation" spot....

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