Shh, It's a Secret

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I woke up to the sound of my parents cries. I glanced at the door which was tightly closed. I hesitantly got up, walked towards the door, then quietly opening it just a bit. I peaked through the crack of the door to see my angry father and my mother crying. 

"Where is she?!" My father raged. 

"Right here.." I said as I walked out of Elliot's room. 

"Oh Zoey!" My parents ran up to me, giving me a big hug. 

"Are you alright?" My mother asked. I nodded my head, "I'm okay.. Really"

"If Elliot didn't come when he did, I'd sure would be in a bigger mess then i'm already am" 

My father told Elliot thank you. "That's the tenth time you said that. Don't thank me. Wesley was the one who told me where Zoey was" 

My father laughed hesitantly. "Sorry. But see Zoey, I told you that you cannot trust boys! What's next, you and your boss become a thing?" 

I jumped. I glanced at Elly and he looked at me. 

"That'd be silly" I laughed nervously. "Me and my boss.. Pfft"

"Well I think it'd be best if we take Zoey home for today if you don't mind" my father said. 

"Do as you wish" Elliot said as he waved his hand. My father came up to me, grabbed me by the arm, then the three of us left. All the way back home he kept asking for my side of the story which I tried my best to explain. Anger rose through my father, it was easy to tell..

As we got home, I ran upstairs, locking my door as I bolted inside my bedroom. I needed to be alone for awhile. It's a secret, Elliot and I..

I cannot tell my mother or father about us, I mean my mom probably wouldn't care but my father on the other hand.. I'd get a slap to the face..

I laid on my bed, thoughts swirling in my mind. A secret indeed, but how long could I keep it for? 


The next day arrived, so quickly it felt. 

I ran to my job. My heart pounding like a drum, heat swam through my cheeks..

I stormed into the dressing room, got into my pink maid outfit then joined the others.

Kiki jumped around the place like normal while Corinna and Bridget were sitting with each other. Corinna drinking her tea while Bridget read her book. Renée was sitting at a table, staring through the window.

I had an urge to cry, unknown feelings that just sprung up out of no where.

I know they're my friends.. They obviously know my feelings so I can't say anything to that but.. I just don't know..

A secret must stay a secret until the storm occurs.

*Sorry for a very short chapter, I ran out of ideas for now.. Well see you soon I guess xD*

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