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Now it was finally time for school. It felt like all that crazy stuff happened yesterday. And when I mean crazy stuff, I mean the whole demon thing.. I walked to school, the wind danced through my longish red hair.

As I entered the school grounds, I saw him. So he did get out early huh..?

As I got into the building, I gave Mark a look then headed to class. 

It was your typical school day, nothing new. The morning assembly which tells you about the schedules and changes also meeting your new teachers and such. 

But that was practically it. We were also eligible to join school clubs. So being me, I did rejoin the gymnastic club because that was pretty fun. I also joined the cooking club. Maybe they could help me more!

Once everyone was done joining their club(s), we headed into the cafeteria for lunch. I got a simple turkey and cheese sandwich with some rice and a chocolate milk. I sat down at one of the tables then quietly began to eat by myself.


It was finally the end of the day. I grabbed my bag from my locker then rushed out of the building, having Mark follow behind.

"Why are you following me?!" I hissed.

"No reason. My house is this way" Mark said with a smile.

"You moved?" I asked.

Mark shook his head. "Taking a.. Short cut"

"You're purposely following me, aren't you?" I stopped dead in my tracks, making him almost bump into me. "Now why would I do that?" he questioned.

"Oh, why would you do that? Hm... Hard question... Oh! That's right! You raped me in a building and got arrested! Good times right?!" I shouted with sarcasm.  

Mark slightly laughed, "Yeah.. Sorry about that.." 

"No. I am not going to simply forgive you on what you did. If I so dare catch you around us, you'll end up getting killed by me... I don't care that you're the great Blue Knight! Your actions went way too far buddy!" I stormed off, running as fast as I could.

"I wish Elly was the Blue Knight.. He fits it more" I mumbled to myself.


As I got to the cafe, I realized that I was quite early so I began my homework. It stressed me out but not as much as I expected it to be. Though it did cut into my work time but I told Elly that i'll stay after the cafe closes and help clean. 


Once I finished homework and finished those stressful hours of work, I grabbed all the cleaning supplies then headed back to the dining hall. 

I scrubbed the tables, washed the floors, cleaned the dishes and silverware, then lastly I took the garbage out. Once I got to the door of the building, I felt someone grab my waist then everything was dark. I knew it wasn't Mark.. This person's grip was different.. But who..?

*This lovely thing is going to end soon~! Sometime I think in I would estimate at least in 3-4-5 chapters or so and also while I finished this chapter, this was way longer at first but my internet shut off and when I went to the revisions, it didn't have my finished chapter so I forgot what I wrote, well I remembered but not the specific details, i'm very sorry for that..* 

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