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"Since your defenseless I can kill you right here, right now, and it would make it so much easier wouldn't it?" He giggled.




I felt the sharp pain go right through my back, which caused me to cough up a bucket load of blood...(No...)

"Goodbye kitty! ;)" then Dren disappeared into thin air.

The vines spread down to the floor and up the walls, and my Mew Mew self kept appearing and disappearing...

These chains are to dangerous for my needs, but I have to stick with this pain until i'm in full control...



I opened my eyes slightly, I saw in front of me was a normal room...I looked down and I was in a bed. "When will you stop getting into trouble?" A voice asked.

I looked up and noticed Elliot, Wesley and the girls were sitting there staring at me awkwardly.

"Not my fault..." I muttered.

"I know...but anyways hows your back?" He asked.

"Fine I guess" I replied.

"You made everyone worried though, we thought you weren't going to wake up" Corina mumbled.

(Wow she actually cares)

"You guys won't look at me the same way anymore...you're still scared of me"

Everyone looked shocked, then they dropped their heads.

(Thought so)

Everyone stood there in silence. Which made it more awkward....

I pulled off the covers and threw my legs onto the floor.

"Zoey what are you doing?" Wesley asked, "Home, or somewhere but here" I replied. Luckily I had clothes on....So I slowly walked out of the room and left.

I walked down the familiar hallways of Cafe Mew Mew.

Note: All the crazy nonsense I did will hopefully end sometime in this chapter XD So no more "wtfudge cakes am I reading?!" or "THIS ISN'T EVEN TOKYO MEW MEW!". I know, I know its not exactly based on it...SOON IT WILL TRUST ME! I just don't want to copy anybody else's theory or their own side of the story, like I said before I've read a lot of Mew Mew Fanfics and they were all the same. SO I decided to put some dramatic stuff in here to spice things up a bit :3. OKAY BACK TO THIS SIDE STORY THINGY :D

Have a great day! :D


;-; Back to the side story.....

As I opened the door I heard everyone running after me. "Zoey stop acting all tough like that! You're not even well enough to do really anything!" Elliot shouted.

I sighed, "I'm perfectly fine....So don't worry".

"Zoey!" Bridget and Corina cried.

I opened the door and walked out.

"Should we follow her?" The girls insisted.

Elliot shook his head, "No we should leave her for a bit, after what shes been through...it's for the best if she calms down..."

Mew Mew Serenity [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now