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It was the break of dawn when Zoey had woken up. She began to pull herself out of bed, Zoey began to feel really nauseous and tired. Luckily she managed to get to the bathroom and into the shower. Once she was done washing herself, she changed into her clothes and began to head downstairs...


Her body did not want to. Zoey's eyes began to slowly close as she was standing at the middle of her staircase and then bam!

She nearly fell down the stairs but luckily her father was there to catch her just in time, though he was the one who fell...

"Zoey! Hey pumpkin, are you okay?!" Her father cried out.

No answer. 

Zoey's father placed the back of his hand on her forehead and noticed she was burning. He called his wife over so she can call an ambulance. With her nearly bursting into tears, she got to the phone and dialed 911....

During all of this madness, Elliot and the girls were walking to Zoey's. They noticed an ambulance zoomed by, but they didn't seem to really care, until they were finally in a distance with Zoey's home.
They all ran down the sidewalk, pushing people out of the way. 

As they reached Zoey's house, Zoey's mother noticed that it was her daughter's friends and co-workers. She ran up to them and explained everything. Elliot slapped his forehead. 

"I should've know" he muttered.

"It is not your fault..." Zoey's mother assured him, but Elliot didn't bother to listen.


"Are you her legal guardians?" a man asked as he walked up to Zoey's father. 
"Yes we are.." her father answered. 

"Alright. You two will haft to come with us then". The man walked away and pointed to the truck. Zoey's parents climbed into the ambulance and they soon drove off...


*At the ER*

As they finished the tests on Zoey, she soon had woken up. 

"Where am I?" She asked softly.

"In the hospital sweetie. You collapsed on your way downstairs" Her mother replied.

"You have overworked yourself Zoey. Your parents had told me that you've been working at a cafe endless hours, everyday. A girl your age shouldn't be working period.." a woman explained.

"It's complicated..." Zoey said.

"Well. For whatever reasons, you will not be capable of working until you fully recover. You also have a big virus going on in your stomach so you'll be here for awhile.." The woman added.


"No buts Zoey. I am sorry but that's how it is. Now I must draw some blood from you if you don't mind.." 

The woman began to take out some needles and a couple of blood tubes. Quickly, she wiped the alcohol stuff onto Zoey's arm and began to draw her blood. Zoey flinched as the needle pricked her skin. 

"Alright it's done" the woman told Zoey with a smile. She put a cotton ball onto the little cut and then a wrap to hold it in place. 

"Mr and Mrs Hansen, I would say that she cannot work for probably around a month and a half, also she'll be staying here for about 3 days. How she is right now is very low and needs attention"

"But! I can't, I haft to go..!" Zoey coughed.

"I know.. I know. You must have important things to do at your job but i'm sorry you're just to weak at the moment.." the woman apologized then walked to the door. 

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