Busy Day

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Once Wesley had open the cafe, people were piling in...
The big topic that had everyone so riled up was Mark getting arrested.. Anger piled in me. Time to time I would have to sit out for a moment to calm myself.

As always, I did all the work. Taking orders, handing out the food, cleaning up... I missed doing this but I didn't expect a bazillion of people to show up! I wanted it to run easy and not as busy, then get back into the hard stuff..

"Hey Zoey! You spilled something over here, stop slacking!" Corinna barked.

"Coming princess....." I gritted my teeth as I walked up to the spot. I pulled out a rag and a cleaner then began to clean away while Corinna stared at me with a smirk on her face.

"How about you actually do some work!" I shouted as I got up from my spot. 

"Aw but Zoey... I just got my nails done!"

"Who cares about your nails Corinna! I don't care that your from a fancy, rich family. You still have to work as if you're one of us.. I'm tired of doing all the work!"

"Sucks to be you then" she giggled. 

"Ughhh I give up!" I stormed out of the cafe area, heading into the kitchen to throw the stuff away.

"Greetings Zoey. You look frustrated, are you alright?" Wesley asked with a soft tone.

"I'm fine. Well I guess i'm a bit annoyed. Why must I do all the work around here? I mean I know you do the cooking and stuff but everyone else just sits around while I'm trying get orders then clean up and AGHh........" 

Wesley laughed. "Oh Zoey.."

"I just want to go to my cat self, nya..." I said tiredly as I yawned. 

"I can do that if you'd like" a voice mischievously said behind me. I turned around to be face to face with Elliot. 

"I heard your argument with Corinna from upstairs" he said. 

I turned my head away but Elliot forced it back towards him. Then in an instant I was a cat again. He kissed me.... Ergh... I was just joking!

I ran in circles between Wesley and Elliot. I shouldn't have said anything...

Elliot then picked me up, swiftly taking me to his room. He placed me on his bed then began to pet me. Without control over my cat instincts, I began to purr which made ME feel very uncomfortable even though I somehow enjoyed it. Not too long after the joy of Elly petting me, I heard Corinna shout my name frustratingly. My fuzzy little head turn towards Elliot which he then picked me up, carrying me out to the cafe area. 

Everything was a complete mess...

I didn't care if I was in front of my friends, While I was in a panic, I pecked Elliot on the lips, which resulted to me turning back to my human self. I grabbed the broom, rags, cleansers and all that good stuff so I could clean up the broken dishes and sweep up the now destroyed food.

About 5-6 minutes later, I was done. I lowered my head with exhaustion. 


It was finally closing time. As I finished getting back into my normal day outfit, Elliot told me he would drive me home. He can't trust me walking alone anymore. So I agreed to his offer then we drove off. 

"I'll see you tomorrow strawberry and next time, don't make a scene" he laughed as he waved goodbye.

I smiled as I waved back. Once I got into my lovely home, I went upstairs, got into my pj's then went to bed!

Note: Okay so as you can see.. The chapters are way more shorter than usual. The reason is like I said previously, I'm losing ideas and honestly do not know on what to write at this point... So i'll be cutting the ending more quicker then I anticipated.. I'm very sorry about the inconvenience.. 

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