Crashed Wedding

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"The wedding will be at strictly 6 PM. So get some rest my dear, i'll be back soon" Dren said.

"What time is it now?"

"It's 1 PM" 

Zoey shook her head. As Dren left, she began to sob. "Why..." 
Her eyes flashed red from the anger that was in her.. 

Soon, Zoey had fallen asleep from her crying.


It was now near to six. As Zoey woken from her painful slumber, she expected her friends to be there to rescue her but it seems that wasn't the case. She thought they never noticed she went missing. Dren walked in with a pastel green suit.

"Are you ready my darling?" he asked. Zoey slowly nodded her head.

Dren took off the shackles that held her in place, then put cuffs on afterwards. 
"This is so you don't pull anything funny" he said seriously. 

"I will have Tart walk you out to the isle"

As he left, Zoey noticed some cyniclons she had never met before..

Zoey took a deep breath. Tart apologized to Zoey, he knew how much Zoey hated being here but Tart could not do anything. "I was strictly forced to do this. I'm sorry" 

"It's fine.." Zoey choked on her words, trying to prevent herself from crying again. 


It was time.

The music began to play, then soon enough Tart and Zoey walked into the room. Zoey glanced at all the people that were there..

Once Tart stood at his spot, Zoey faced Dren. Pai began to quote from the book until he said the part "I do". He hesitated on saying it, even he was forced to do this...

"I do" Dren smiled.

Zoey looked at the people but before she could say anything, a flash of light emerged at the end of the room. 

"Guys..." Zoey cried with relief. 

"Guards!" Dren ordered.

People who wore this bright, neon blue armor came rushing in. "Zoey you got into a big mess huh?" Renee said as she leaped towards Zoey. Renee pushed Dren aside then quickly cutting off the cuffs. Zoey fell to her feet, her body went somewhat numb. 

"Are you alright?!" Renee gasped as she caught her. "I-I'm fine... Just a bit.. Tired.."

Renee swooped Zoey from her feet then jumped towards the group. Dren though got near them, Elliot was there, barking orders, trying to maintain a plan to not get hurt.

But it had quickly failed...


Zoey pulled herself up, but she could not make it. At least her scream got his attention, but he was too slow. His arm got seriously injured. The blade one of the guards used was now covered with blood. Elliot grunted then fell to his knees.

Anger rose through Zoey. 

She had enough.

She pulled out her power pendant, even though her friends protested and told her not to, it hast to be done.

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