The Light to Stars - Ending

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Zoey was golfed in light.

Flames emerged from her body. The Ultimate Mew was back again. Her eyes, blood shot red, her long hair swayed to the side. She had no control.

Her sword evaporated, turning into a staff. 

She jumped in the air, landing on a shelf. Dren stared at her with awe.

"Zoey don't do it!" Bridget shouted. 

"They hurt Elliot. They put me through pain, it never ends!" Zoey screamed back.

Zoey swiped her staff to the left, causing a pink and blue mist of light following behind. She then flung her staff in the air, jumped to catch it, then everything went bright. She knew this spell could nearly destroy her body, but it was well worth to destroy the evil. The spell changes one heart or lock them away in the abyss. But Zoey chose to change the heart.. She could not to commit to do something that rash.

Zoey landed forcibly down, the weight of her body made her grow slow but she dashed towards the wounded Elliot.

"Zoey.. Why?" he asked.

"It's to protect you, you idiot! Now shut up and don't move or I will leave you here to rot you butt face!"

Zoey did have the Mew Aqua in her. She placed her hand on the deep wound, letting the energies seep through it. Elliot flinched, almost slapping her due to the pain it was causing. Soon the wound nearly healed but that's when Zoey's body decided to give out. 

Zoey turned to normal as she collapsed to the ground. 




Zoey was resting in Elliot's bed once again. His arm was now in a sling, but thankfully Zoey will make it out okay. 

Elliot kissed the sleeping Zoey on the lips but surprisingly, it did not turn her into a cat. Zoey awoken with a soft smile on her face. "Hey.."

"Sup strawberry. Feeling any better?" 

Zoey nodded her head. "Sorry. I lost control back there"

"Don't be, if it weren't for you, I think we'd be cyniclone dust.."

Zoey laughed. "How's your arm?"

"Doing much better, thanks to you"

Zoey bolted up from his bed then hugged him tightly. "What's this for?" he asked.

"It's a thank you. For being there to help me when I need it. Even though we argue a lot but.. Just thank you"


Few years later~


"Come on Emi, we're going to the park with daddy" Zoey laughed. 

"Do I have to carry all this stuff?" Elliot sighed with the bags in his hands. 

"Well I am almost due mister and the doctors said I cannot carry much" Zoey pouted.

"I forgot. Sorry"

Emi was 3 years old and soon a baby boy was on the way. Zoey and Elliot are still working hard and will continue the project that Elliot's dad had never finished. Before Zoey had gotten pregnant, she had left school to go adventure out with her soon to be husband. They're trying to discover new and possible things for the upcoming future.. Zoey is now 19, so she had Emi at 16. It was sort of unexpected but everything turned out alright in the end.

As Zoey sat on the bench, watching her blonde little girl play in the sand, Elliot rubbed Zoey's belly, feeling happy with each little kick it had made. "I still wish we had a boy first" Elliot laughed.

"Well we'll get one now, so it's alright" Zoey smiled. 

Elliot and Zoey leaned closed, then kissed. Their tongues intertwined with one other. 

"Eww. Mommy and Daddy are kissing each other!" Emi said, sticking her tongue out in disgust. 

"Oh i'll show you kissing you lil munchkin!" Elliot jumped off the bench, picked up his daughter then began to kiss her everywhere playfully. Zoey laughed at the sight.

Zoey touched the Mew Mew Mark that she had on her leg. 

"Someday my daughters or sons will have to face the same fate as I did.." she thought.


It was Sunday, a month too soon. 

As Zoey was helping to clean the cafe tables, her water had broken. She fell to the floor, excruciating pain went around her entire stomach.

She called Wesley over who was nearby. Elliot was at the store with Emi to get groceries. 

Wesley had helped Zoey up then walked her to the car. Once she got in, Wesley stormed into the drivers seat then drove off. While he was driving, he called Elliot. 


"Where is he?!" Zoey cried, following by deep breaths. 

"Don't worry ma'am he's on his way" a woman said as she stood in front of Zoey, waiting for the time to retrieve the baby. 

"I won't birth my child until he is here!" Zoey sobbed, clenching her fists on the sheets.

Elliot stormed in, with a hospital gown and mask. He rushed to his soon to be wife's side. 

Then they proceeded to give birth. Zoey screamed in pain, nearly crushing Elliot's hand once again. The sound of a baby crying was heard. Zoey sighed with relief. "Wait we're not done" the woman said.

"What?! Don't tell me.." Zoey breathed. 

"Twins.." Elliot answered. 

"No.. Triplets it seems" a man looked at the monitors. 

Zoey thought she was about to pass out.

After the long time of giving birth to her three kids, 2 boys and 1 girl, it was finally time for her to rest. The doctors cleaned everyone up, wrapped the little ones in gender colored towels then handed them to Elliot and Zoey. 

"It seems we have a red head" Zoey laughed tiredly. 

"Oh boy.. 3 red heads in the house. This little boy has red hair as well" Elliot sighed. 

"3 blondes and 3 reds.. Well this is quite weird" Zoey said. "Is it okay if I go to sleep for now?"

The woman nodded. "You did very well Ms. Hansen"

Zoey soon fell into slumber.


A couple of months later


It was their wedding day!

Zoey wore this magnificent pink dress that was covered with white flowers along the waist. 

"Do you Elliot Grant take Zoey Hansen as your lovely wedded wife? Through sickness to health, death do you part?" 

*I don't know how the wedding thing goes so bare with me please*

"I do" Elliot said.

"Do you Zoey Hansen take Elliot Grant as your lovely wedded husband? Through sickness to health, death do you part?"

"I do!" Zoey said with a smile.

"You may now kiss the bride" 

Zoey wrapped his arms around Zoey's waist, then they happily kissed each other for as long as their breath could hold.

As it was time for cake, Zoey took a piece then smashed it on Elliot's face, making him laugh. 


In the end, Zoey and Elliot lived happily ever after. They will continue their research and fight for whatever gets in their way...!

This is the end of this story, I hope you enjoyed it!

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